God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I figured it was time for a post. Didn't do much this weekend. I knew it was gonna snow so I went to Heather's house. Heh that was fun. We watched slept then watched movies, then slept. Other than that, it was boring. I've been so tired lately I dunno whats up with that. I think I have mono. That would really suck. If I did have it i dunno where/who I would have gotten it from. But I've just really felt like crap the past weekish and I'm super exhausted even when I dont do anything. Prolly just sick from everyone and their mothers sore throats/cold/whatever other illness, lets hope. Anyway, just in case.. stay away. Now I need to go do this stupid pre lab thats not gonna get done. Might as well try. later


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