God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Man.. I really miss Brendan. Over the past week or so since he left I emailed him just to see how he's been doing and stuff, and we emailed each other 21 times. In one week. And even if it's just a sentance or two, the stuff he says is meaningful. Brendan I love you for writing back so quick. Well I love you anyway. It just makes me smile though, if i get online and i only have one message i assume its stupid xanga spam that comes everyday.. but it's not-it's brendan. Yeah.. things just aren't the same without you, there will always be that empty space. Heh that sounds depressing. On the bright side, you still live in Illinois.. it's only a few hours away. At least it's not Arizona :) You better come visit soon, cuz all of us miss you like crazy. Yay Brendan. the end


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