God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

The superbowl party rocked. Our youth group parties are awesome. We should have them more often but hen again, if we did that they prolly wouldn't be as fun. Oh well. It was cool. I dunno how to deep blog. I dont think i've done that in a LOONG time. So this is all i've got: Gotta finish my lesson for bible study tuesday, cuz i really want to give em something to take home and think about. At least I like bible studies like that.. I dunno. I just dont want it to suck. So.. something that applies but isn't boring. I gotta stay after school all week for gay FNHS and their gay flower sale order crap. I would just not go, but then i get kicked off. That really doesn't look good. Hopefully it wont take too long and I can just come home and sleep and do my homework for once, before i fail all my classes (thats not going to happen). Who the heck cares, i dont. I'm tired, I'm going to bed. Night


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