God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Feeling better. :) I dunno what was wrong with me.. hmm. Oh well. So I found out that I have until next friday to spark note the Crucible. That play is boring so far.. everything they made us read has to do with witchcraft. I tried to read it, really. It didn't work out. Anyway.. I also have until next friday to do my 3 book reports on books I never really read, for 5% extra credit which will do me no good as soon as I transfer. That is a long run-on sentance. Anyway... maybe that will come with me to the new school. Who knows. I'd rather be prepared. 5% will do me good in the long run. What else is new.. I miss hanging out with my boys. It was cool when we all used to chill. I guess there's not much to do anymore. Now that Q's got a girlfriend again he doesn't have much time.. It's all good as long as they're happy :) maybe when school starts and there is less work. Meh. I might have a job soon too so I don't know. Q heather and I still need to do that one thing.

heather M
ARQUARDT one day you are going to come hang out and we're going to go do something awesome..

and Jordan you need to hang out too. And it will be sweet. Like the ol' times.

ok I'm going to end this now.


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