God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I really should be doing my homework. Oh well. Night before last I stayed up til 2 doing that STUPID ENGLISH CRAP as I like to call it, and I didn't even wait until the last minute. So my mom is awesome and she let me stay home and sleep then go to school 2nd period. It was nice. But I was still tired, then I had to go to Snowball.. DA DA DA DUN DUN DA DA DA DA.. THE FINAL MEETING!!!!! It was long. very long. But it's over now. Thank you Jesus. Sarah and I missed the important meeting on monday to go to the cookout so we did what we had to do last night, since snowball is friday. So once again I didn't get home until late (but went to bed on time) didn't have to do my homework cuz we had all school-sr. (which isn't all school, those idiots) testing- Donc, Non class, non devoirs, et non travielle. This I am also thankful for. Got home at 12:30.. should be doing homework cuz i have to work tonight and tomorrow is going to be SUPER CRAZY with night before snowball, oasis and all that, homework for 4 or 5 days to get done. It's not going to get done, I already told my teachers that. Whatever, they can deal with it. Then Sunday.. OH MY GOODNESS for the first time in a LONG LONG TIME i get to go home.. on sunday, and not have to work. It will be great. So from the moment I finish writing this blog.. until.. i go to work.. homework and snowball stuff. I'm excited but at the same time annoyed that everything seems to be about snow.. yeah. So.. please pray for Sarah and I cuz this weekend will be stressful and we will be getting little sleep. It's all good, because it's going to be AWESOME! Ok time to do some work.

This has been on my mind. I have a friend. We're really good friends, you could even say we're madly in friendship. And another friend, lets call him fred.. is trying to hook up me and the friend. But it's not like that, cuz the whole madly in friendship thing is a joke, but bob keeps bringing it up and then my friend always changes the subject. I mean he's cute and nice and christian and everything but. I dunno.. I'm confused. I just don't really know what's going on. He is the sweetest guy i've ever met before.. but. I don't know. I just dont know anymore. I hate hearts.


Blogger michelleesexton said...

I hate hearts too. lol.... so wait! Who is this!?!?!?! And how do I not know!?!?!

5:28 PM  

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