God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I’m supposed to be on key train but oh well. It's more fun to play with your blog during school. Just finished up a test for CAT that's 30% of my grade so I hope I did ok. I'm not too worried, it wasn't that hard plus I think I got the extra credit. The funny part of this is that the teacher walked into the lab, saw that no one was on key train and just walked off and didn't care. Gotta love Miss Misch, she makes me laugh. So today is the cut day for soccer. It's about 25 degrees outside so I hope I don’t die trying. We'll find out. I'll blog more when I have time.

Try outs weren't bad, looks like some of those new girls are pretty dang good. We'll see...


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