God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Monday, February 28, 2005

i've got 5 minutes, how far can i get?

I'm sure at some point in your life you've all had a teacher who you thought was crazy. Mrs. Philyaw is one of those kind of teachers. Some might classify a crazy teacher as one who is really strict, doesn't care about the students, or gives you a ton of work to do. Although mrs. P fits 1 of the 3 catagories, and i've had all 3, thats not what I'm talking about. This lady has got to be like... 28, and she's VERY eduacated, a really smart woman, she knows her stuff. She knows her literature, her english, and your basic life stuff that most people should know. However, i think she's got some personality disorder or something.. (my friend amber and I were looking this stuff up to find out just what it was). I mean she's an actress, she did it professionally, but sometimes i think its more than that. She gets these drastic mood swings in class, talks suddenly in these creepy crazy voices that scare the kids in the class (they all think shes psycho), and admitted she was diagnosed with adhd- that has obviously not gone away yet because we often see the hyper childlike side. That's right, side. Ask anna i'm not joking, there is something up with this woman that is not normal- its like she's two people. She's an awesome teacher and person, it's actually hilarious. But when you combine the craziness of that stuff with the major workloads and her SERIOUSLY not realizing that other teachers give us stuff too.. i dunno man. This woman has got some thinking to do. High school is high school i know there is going to be work, most of us do, except maybe crete kids, but i dunno about that one cuz i dont go there. Jordan's teachers seem not to mind if he sleeps in class. I wouldn't be caught dead sleeping in most of my classes. Gyms not a class, and neither is foods (which was not my choice i was put there and i'm still really mad about it.. so say nothing). they dont count. Therefore.. in none of my classes. I got off subject so i'm done now. I'm tired.


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