God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Long week, thank God it's over. It seemed like it went on forever. Gotta work tomorrow, fun fun. But hey, that means money. And money means helping to pay for Chile and CIY and camp and all that other good stuff soooo.. work is good. So whose up for that Chile meeting on Sunday? heh.. i memorized the verses the first few days after i got em.. and someone told me they didn't even read it execpt when Josh did. Good luck with that. I like memorizing scriptures, i find it helpful in more ways than one. I think it's cool when you can talk about something random like on thursday and just say "oh hey, Romans 12:21 says overcome evil with good" thats not a direct quote.. but it's cool. So today after class mr Tiffy pulls out 5 kids and says he's taking us for APUSH next year, unless we want APEuro. It kinda scares me when teachers are this serious about their class-'we're going to have a few "summer meetings"' for the coming of the class. come on now, it's summer.. he's too college ready. It's just a class.. but then again I guess it just shows he cares a lot about what he's teaching and the students, which you can't say for most of the teachers at Central. :-x Ok I'm tired, time for bed. The end


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