God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Semi-deep blog. Life has been pretty good lately. I have really awesome friends, even though I agree with what anna said about feelings towards our school- it could be worse. I like US History English and Geom. (only cuz its easy). The school days have been going by pretty quick but i'm not sure how long that will last now that theres conditioning, which isn't that bad, plus its not everyday. First period i hate, it's stupid. only thing good about it is free food. 2nd period P/S Geometry H, which is one class that's fun. Even if i dont get it which i dont think has happened yet, it's still fun. 3rd period French 3. Wow, no words for how boring this class is. Don't get me wrong i USED to like french, but we never learn anything. This whole entire year the only thing we learned was the conditional tense and some vocab that we learned on our own. Oh well.. that's a blow off class cuz I have an A. 4th is split (4,5,6) History lunch history. That is my favorite class. 1-I learn A LOT which is as much as i can say for going to Rich Central. 2- I have the most awesome history teacher ever. 3- hardly ever homework. As if the class wasn't awesome enough, i almost fall over laughing everyday in lunch cuz i sit with a bunch of kids you'd NEVER understand how they're friends, really; thats probably why we're friends. gotta love lunch, it always makes me laugh. 7th-8th gym.. boring. 9th English 10 H- This class i like. our teacher is a little crazy at times but for the most part ms. Philyaw is pretty awesome. Plus I have Anna in that class. Only thing is though, and others can testify to this, I sit next to this kid who is black and for SOME reason 99.9999999% of every comment he's EVER made in class has to do with race. For example, we were having a discussion on speaking about people as individuals not as a group, and he makes a comment somewhere along the lines of "if you put me in a room with a bunch of caucasian females, do you think they would change to be like me, or i would change to be more like them?" It had absolutely nothing to do with what we were talking about, it's the kind of thing that makes the girl in front of him put her hand on her forhead every time he raises his hand. But it's kinda funny. 10th Chemistry H- I'm surprised i'm not failing but somehow i'm not. This class is also boring. But i like it cuz it means i get to go home @ 3:10. Leaving is my favorite part of the day. Then i get to do whatever depending on what day it is. Homework-heh-, sleep, bible study, meetings, OL.. ok this is long and im tired. Sleep!


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