God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Friday, September 02, 2005

On of my friends, Cheryl- my 7th grade teacher actually, told me once it would help me to make a grateful journal. Actually she told me to do it and in a month or so she'd 'check up on it', this was like a year ago.

Well, not too long ago she asked me about it. Her idea was that in her journal, at the end of each day, she would write at least 3 things we was thankful for. When i made the hope livejournal originally thats what i made it for. I kinda didn't think about it for a long time. I had this attitude for a while, that even if everything sucked so bad I'd rather not be where I was, that it was happening for a reason and I was actually thankful for it being crappy. Hey.. suffering developed perseverance, perseverance character. So... I decided to do it again.

1. I'm incredibly thankful for the most awesome friends in the world, because without them I don't know where I would be. Friends are sooo awesome to have and I think everyone needs em. So aside from just having them I'm thankful for how much they rock.
2. I'm grateful that even though I really dont like school at times, like today, that I'm able to go. there are people all over the world who don't have that priviledge and I shouldn't sit complaining about it sometimes.
3. I'm thankful that even though I don't have my license I still have a car that I can drive. Like we learned.. if you family owns more than 1 car you're in the top 2 richest% in the world. I am definately thankful that even though sometimes to us it might seem like we're "poor" we don't really know what that word means.


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