God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Monday, September 12, 2005

This might be a deep blog, we'll see what happens.
Drunk drivers just completly suck. Whoever i sent that email to (which is almost everyone who reads my blog if i have your email address) I hope you guys read it. I've always disliked alcohal for less than personal reasons. I mean if you're over 21 and you're drinking a glass of wine while out to dinner or champaigne at a wedding or something, no problem. But when you go out to a party, especially if you're a teenager or someone with no life and nothing better to do than drink your life away, you're just plain retarded. I've seen accidents near my house caused by drunks. I've seen people get hit by cars because they were drunk/on something. It's not fun. Anyway.. I just don't understand why people think that they need to drink or do drugs to the point of intoxication, there are SOO many things much more fun to do than that, for example: ride a bike, hang out with friends, watch a movie, go cruisin, eat!! i mean come on. Now this has got me to thinking it's not just alcohal, its anything.. drinking is ok once in a while if you've over 21 and you dont get drunk. But I think it's stupid to smoke. Maybe you tried it once when you were younger (if you're an adult) and you didnt realize what it does to you. How nice, get some gum. CANCER STICKS. Meh.. there are worse things though like crack, heroine, PCP.. all those hard core drugs. My point is drugs are for losers.. go find something better to do with your life. If you happen to do any of those things.. I don't hate you i just think you're an idiot. I guess it could get personal- I've seen a ton of my friends have such screwed up home lives because their parents do drunks or drink, and it's stupid. People act dumb when they do that stuff and just end up hurting others along the way. This is where that email comes in. Go read it, now!! Anyway. People you can fix your lives.. Drugs are for losers. Don't be a party fiend.. and the moral of the story is going to be.,. Jesus loves you and I'm tired.

I am no longer angry.

Have a good night.


Blogger michelleesexton said...

Yeah, I agree lol.. duh! .. but drugs and acohol are stupid! Some of that reminded me of when Stephen T. was like, "I'm drunk on Jesus!!!" Ha.. that's hilarious! What did I get out of this!?! BE DRUNK ON JESUS!!! lol.. sounds good...

10:32 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

a bit tipsy with the Holy Spirit!

11:47 PM  

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