God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I've just been thinking, I really like Christmas. The fact that I recently put up christmas lights in my room, i believe, brought this to my attention. Some people might think thats crazy or off the wall, maybe even a little OC. But I don't like ceiling lights, they are too bright, especially when I end up getting home late and not being able to do my homework til 10-11 and my sister is asleep. Plus, like I said, I love Christmas. The colors are relaxing or something, I dunno what it is, but when those lights are on it feels like winter (maybe cuz it's been so dang cold outside). Anyway, the reason I like Christmas is NOT because it's a day when you get a ton of presents from your friends. Me, I am a person who LOVES to buy stuff for other people, so I like going out and finding something that I know someone would really like, and giving it to them.

1) I find it fun to go out and shop for other people (ONLY for christmas, unless i get rich one day). It's just like.. ok so I'm not spending all this money on myself, someone is going to feel good when they get this. :) Happy. Like last year when I made the blankets. It took a while to make like, 4 of 'em, but if I just bought them it wouldn't have been the same.

2) Christmas is about the birth of Christ, (NOT PRESENTS) and that is freakin awesome. If he was never born, he never could have died for all of us, and he's the coolest person that ever lived. So, his birth SHOULD be celebrated.

3) We get a long time off of school, i think somewhere around 3 weeks this year. I don't like school, so this works for me, and that makes time for family like the best person of my life- my cousin. She rocks.

*) I dunno where this is going, so I'm going to end it here.

I love Christmas.


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