God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

This is gonna skip around, cuz that's the way my mind works.
Tonight is homecoming (at east). I'm going, because I really wanted to before, but thenI wasn't so sure. See I've never been to homecoming, and just about everyone else in the world has. I was going to go with matt last year, but I think that's the night we ended up hanging out the 'the guys' at kmart.. how fun. Anyway. I'm not excited. woo freakin hoo. Just kidding. I'm sure it will be fun but I don't even know whose going. I'm not a girly girl so I'm not all into the dressing up doing my nails and my hair with 4 tons of make-up, it's not me. So well see, I'm going with sarah and kelly I think. I say so a lot. Dunno what I'm doing til 7..

Don't have to work today cuz my wonderful manager told me to go take care of the 'girly stuff' right after i told her i wasn't into it. But she wants me to have school spirit for another school and thus, here I am. Work has been going pretty well, for a first job where I knew no one. Makes it kinda fun. Well I sort of knew Stephanie, but she doesn't work much the days I'm there. It's the easiest job on the planet, i get paid decently to stand and greet people and seat them. Michelle would like it, i get paid to smile. It's not hard cuz there are a lot of goofy people working there. I guess what I'm getting at is that I like it. Unfortunately, i mean that seriously, I will rarely get to come to bible study now, so for you guys that I only really see at bible study, I guess I'll be out of the loop. I mean theres still every other monday for choir, church sunday is gonna have to be the early service(but prolly not sunday school cuz i work at 10:35), snl, and i will still be at oasis because I requested thursdays off since I like doing it, and it was a prior commitment.

I think I'm going to go to my 5 questions for homework, and if I feel like it i'll try reading Donte some more. I need to finish that book by this week since our group has the book and is doing a seminar, so i should get on it. I'm going to end this here.


Blogger Mandy said...

Oh...I'm gonna miss you @ B.S.! See that's why I'm not gonna get a job, cuz I hate missing things..lol. I'm glad you like it, and I love you! Have fun tonight!

12:32 PM  

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