God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

SCORE. They changed the schedule @ work again, but this time it's good :) . I only work 3 days in the next 2 week period, and thats ok because that means I have time for Speech after all! and they listened to me. And guess what???? I got a SUNDAY OFF!! That rocks! I haven't been able to go to late service for like.. a long time. Plus i'm off monday so i will have time to finish that STUPID english paper that I dont want to do but i need to. Anyway, I'm really happy about speech because it's something i've wanted to do the past few years but didn't have nearly enough time for, and i never 'seized the opportunity' but this year i did. And this is going to be the best club/team i've ever been a part of. I get to act, for a team. That's awesome. Unfortunately my buddy blair isn't doing speech this year so he can't do HDA with me (we're fun as a team) but DDA all the way. hey that rhymes. heh.

I feel good. I just know that God is doing amazing things in my life (as he always is) but I've taken the chance to listen to him and watch; and nowI see/realize. I love God so much. I just feel like telling that to the whole world. And theres nothing to be ashamed of. plus, it's my blog, and therefore I can say whatever I want.

so nah.
God is good. I think my thing is just that when things might get bad sometimes (not that things are bad now, cuz they're not) I just assume that they will get better cuz..that's life- maybe I don't really think it. But, when you KNOW.. it's just better. Life is so much more awesome when you're happy or laughing or having a good time. And laughing is my favorite past time. It's the 2nd best feeling in the world. :)

Time for bed.. or maybe a little SNL.


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