God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I could have sworn that I blogged this week.. maybe it didn't load or it was not blogger that i used. Anyway.. it's been a while. School has been less stressful and I finished the lab report from the underworld in time before work so I didn't have to come home and try and finish it before bed!

On another note, God's really been opening my eyes up to things. I was watching Flight 93 the other night, just cuz that channel was on and I had nothing to do. I noticed they had a lot of prayer and God and stuff thrown in. There was a couple praying and the last thing the guy did was pray with the woman on the phone. I wonder what all those people who died/were killed on september 11 weret thinking about. How many of them were Christians.. if those terrorists really believed what it said in the movie that killing people was actually a good thing? What are people thinking now days.. live each day as if it's your last. Cuz you never know when Jesus is coming back. Could be tomorrow. The world might blow up lol. Just live it well!


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