God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Don't drink and drive.
For once, something actually provoked me write that, not just a 'don't do drugs' end quote. But don't do drugs either.
Sometimes situations aren't supposed to be funny but man.. you really can't help but start laughing like Michelle. She would have been on the floor.
Great ending to a good weekend.. and a yay God for getting to see Brendan after all. You rock Brendan.

Wisconsin wasn't bad.. I liked the conditions at caberfae better but hey.. I still had fun. Mel tricked me into going down a double black diamond.. twice.. the first 2 runs. And the funny part, after me thinking there was no way I was about to stop praying for my life as I blazed down the hill, was that I didn't even know that until this morning. It was the ski patrol guy who suggested that maybe I should go down a little less advanced hill.. cuz I didn't know it was that bad til I got down and looked up. heh I rock. I'm surprised I didn't break my neck. That's cuz God is awesome and he was watching over me. He rocks.

The End


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