God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Tonight when we talked about forgiveness, Josh brought something up that I'm not sure I have ever really thought about. I mentioned that the people I find hardest to forgive are the ones who you forgive but they keep on hurting you, and you have to keep on forgiving them. If they keep hurting you then are they really sorry? BUT God didn't say forgive your brother when he sins against you if he's sorry, he said forgive your brother... and even if that means "seventy-seven times" keep on. Anyway.. those people that keep on sinning against you. Hellllllllllo! We're all human. We all keep on sinning because we're not perfect. And God has to keep on forgiving all of us. He didn't send Jesus to die on the cross for the people who love him, He sent Jesus to die for the forgiveness of EVERYONE's sins.. those who love him and those who don't. And He will keep on forgiving us as many times as it takes because He's God. What Josh said was something along the lines of did we ever think maybe it's hard for God to forgive us? We will keep on screwing up, keep on sinning.. but He'll still forgive us. God is awesome. It's just to do what He would do sometimes. Gotta try though.


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