God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Real blog on myspace. I know I know.. that's sad. Oh well. They say only post stuff there if you want the world to see it, and I don't mind the world knowing how AMAZING C.I.Y. was this year.
Christ in Youth.. tons and tons of Christian (and some not) teens from all over the country- arkansas, kansas, indiana, ohio.. and places far far away- gathered at SIU for a week.
Awesome worship.
Amazing people.
Different friendships.
New knowledge.
GREAT memories.
Not-so-bad food.
I love eggs.
Pouring rain.
Dorm time.
Youth ministers saying things you think you'd never hear them say.
Good times.

God is soooo awesome. And C.I.Y. is pretty awesomer too.


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