God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

As it turns out I am able to go work next week after all, and Kelly gets to come with me. It's going to be so great I can't wait for the opportunity to serve and have fun, and well as see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a year. As for the behind the wheel, if I can't schedule it for the week after C.I.Y., then I'll just take it through the DMV. Only bad part about leaving this week is that I'm going to miss choir practice, which as Heather can agree, is the funnest thing ever. And yes I know funnest isn't a real word.

This summer is already coming so fast and everything is just going to blow past before I know it. I still can't wait for Chile because that will be an amazing and interesting experience I'm sure. And yet I also can't wait for summer to be over so I can get a job that pays, which I really need. I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts. It's so great being able to chillax. It's also so great that I get to be a junior, because I've been waiting forever. It's gonna be fun. Only a year and a half until I'm out of there for good.



Blogger michelleesexton said...

woo-hoo! Go early graduates!

9:26 PM  
Blogger angel said...


10:53 PM  
Blogger bethmarie said...

hopefully we'll be off to the same place, right Michelke? *wink wink nudge nudge* That's Lincoln not stupid ol' Trinity. ;)

4:18 PM  

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