God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Today i was thinking, and I was just reading blogs and it made me think. There have been a few things on my mind, but 2 in particular. I've been praying about my sister and how to feel with her coming to youth group cuz i really REALLY want her to come and just see how amazing it can be. I want her to know that Deer Creek isn't like most churches, cuz it's unlike any other one i've ever been to- they were all the same to me. Obviously it's a little weird though cuz she and I were never that close before.. but I wished that there was some way God could get her to come, but I was kinda being a jerk about it in my heart.. by that i mean.. i thought it would be awkward but not sure how. Then on sunday on the way to church this song came on, and i remember distinctly it was the song that was playing when I commited myself. That just really hit me and God really brought out to me that nothing would make me happier than to see her come to Christ, and I mean that. I don't care what it takes I know that God will work through me, or us (the ones she encounters). Then when I got to church i felt really bad about the way I did feel.. cuz i don't know how i could ever doubt that her meeting the awesome friends I have in my life and the COOLEST YOUTH MINISTER EVER could not be a good thing, cuz it will be. I guess I'm just really really thankful he showed me such a great thing. The other thing on my mind is just that I've been reading the Bible a lot and I only want what God wants for me, and I only want to be who he wants me to be. I know he made me in his imagine, and gave me the characteristics he wanted and stuff.. but sometimes I think I could be a better person, and live better if I changed some of those things. I mean, I don't always know if that's all God or if it's me too. He will show me, I know that. Do you guys ever feel that way? Tonight in Bible study we were talking about that, how no one is perfect but we're supposed to try and be like Jesus. He is perfect. So therefore, we are supposed to try? Or both. I know how to live like a Christian I just need to work at it, and so does everyone cuz you could always do better. All I know is that God is amazing and regardless of the world around me not being just the way I want it, I am so blessed to have a strong faith, and with the most awesome friends ever. <><


Blogger michelleesexton said...

I love you Beth! You're so awesome! I love blogs about Jesus. lol... but ya.. when i look at perfect and how Jesus was perfect and how one of our life purposes is to be like Jesus... well, I kinda look at it as we can try to be perfect. I'm not saying we'll ever be perfect, but even trying... is trying to be like Jesus. I hope you understand me. Everytime we are acting like Jesus, we are being like him, and acting perfect, except we'll never be perfect. There's a difference between acting perfect and being perfect. When you're acting perfect too, you're doing it with your heart because you're being like Jesus. Being perfect doesn't exist for us, only Jesus! I hope you understand what I mean. I love you so much!

10:21 PM  
Blogger Mandy said...

I know I'm awesome! lol! Oh and so is Jesus, and he's doing some awesome stuff in your heart, keep it up homeboy!(Jesus)

10:59 PM  
Blogger angel said...

that is definitly my most important goal for this year to represent Christ through the way i act expectially in school. I've been trying soo hard to do that already this year and ive talked to like 2 kids already about Jesus and im only on my third day of school. I totally encourage ya'll to do the same, we should all pray bout that for each other! good stuff

5:45 PM  

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