God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Friday, June 16, 2006

It pretty much sucks that everyone is leaving or going away somewhere. Michelle's at camp, Kelly is leaving today for camp, cheryl's leaving sunday, morgan's going camping, mandy and sarah are in Chile- ok that's not everyone but those are the people that I'm with the most. Carina is going home to Brazil on June 26th. I will miss that kid cuz she's wonderful

Next week I'll be at LRCA but that's cool because last year it was really awesome. I am thankful for the opportunity. I love camp, all camp. It just rocks. Plus, a very cool youth minister who might be named Josh Rutledge is running it. Rock on.

I miss Michelle. Can't wait to go visit Camp Grow and see everyone.

Work is going alright only cuz I know who and what I'm working for.. God. If it wasn't for YWAM i'd be out of there for a couple of reasons. In all it's not the worst though and it's something to do while everyone's gone.

Well I've got to go pack since I wont be home til after 10 tomorrow night and I have to work on sunday morning. Have a good weekend everyone!


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