God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


I plan on going to Isreal sometime during college. That's the Holy place and I've got to see it before I die. My friend Afua seems to think that it'll be RIGHT before I die though, and if I go there she's sending someone to stop me because she's thinks I'll get killed. I mean not everyone gets killed in Iraq.. and they're asking to fight (soldiers that is). hmm..... I still want to go. I know there is war going on there but is it really that bad?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

now what?

I've been looking at colleges all afternoon. Now i'm just confused. There are so many GOOD schools out there. I'm not sure if I want to go into Teaching or Psych, because which ever one I do I'm going for masters. I want to do both but I don't have the time, patience or money. They are both very important and help people and I could take them both to the mission setting. We'll see!!

college college college

So my History teacher is making us turn in a completed application ready to mail to HIM by friday.. and I'm totally doing lincoln because that's the school I want to go to most, and they've got what I want. But... especially considering my major, I really want to go to a school with an excellent study abroad program. I'm looking into Christian colleges in SoCal (close to the ocean) just because A) it's beautiful, B) it gives me a taste of a totally different part of the US and C).. its away from here... not sure I'd like being that far away though. Hope gave me that scholarship for little or no money but they seem like a good college so I'd like to hear more about them. I have family in Shoreline so it's a WHOLE lot closer than here.. i could go visit em and that would rock. I could also visit my fam in Scottsdale cuz i miss Olivia to death. Hmm anyway... just a thought. These are the colleges I most want to check out other than Lincoln (i'd like to broaden my horizon so to say):

-Hope International Univiersity/Pacific Christian College
-Pepperdine University.. it's got a GORGEOUS campus
-Azusa Pacific University
-Something in North Eastern Michigan (never GLCC haha!)
-Seattle U
-U of I

The problem with the last two is I don't think they would work out unless I only went there for teaching/psychology because my other main focus is missions and you dont have missions at non-christian schools. hmmm............ and I've got to have in all my apps by November.

I know God will tell me what's right, i've got a little while to worry about it.