God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

He called, we answered.

I'm writing from St. Louis (area). We (some bivocational missions majors) have an opportunity this weekend to work with an organization (Freedom From Within) to reach out. Today we went to the festival of the Nations. I am accepting of what other religions are so I'm not trying to bash them. I just know there is only one truth and one way to eternal life.

Sarah talked to a girl that said that in the Islamic religion they really can't tell regardless of their dedication and lifestyle if they'd go to heaven or hell.. and they dont even know if the prophet muhammad went to heaven or hell. By the way, he was a child molester, muhammad. I don't understand. Why, regardless of what part of the world they grew up in, would someone devote their life to such uncertainty and relationless-ness (I just made that a word)? some rock hard foundation there, right? so what do they live for? As a Christian I live everyday for the joy God put into my soul due to knowing that He loves me abundantly, that He gave me eternal life, that I am SAVED and I am going to heaven, that I have a good, personal relationship with Him- and certainty. I KNOW Him! In Islam, There is no real hope, considering the major target of the religion to wipe out Chritianity and the cross (not to say that is everyone's intention, that would be sterotypical)- not a whole lot of peace, no salvation.. i dont understand. and if they want to convert out of being muslim they get persecuted, killed, or excommunicated..


I'm just sort of lost on the issue I guess.

some world. We've got to reach everyone because that is what we're called to do over and over, and i just hope God can use me (and us as a team) again somehow. I know He can. Pray for them. It's going be crazy in the future if we don't do something. I don't want anyone coming into MY church and ripping down the cross that THE GOD sent His son to die on for MY SALVATION and eternal life. Its not gonna go down that way..plus, what is up with all this loud speaker/prayer being allowed when Christians cant tell anyone what they believe at work, or pray in school, or read their bibles in a lot of places because it's pushing religion onto others? They considered taking one nation under "GOD" out of the pledge of alligence, thats what this country is FOUNDED on and there is so much ridicule of us as Christians now days.. we we're not supposed to be open about it so we dont 'offend others' even though we're a FREE country? are we even, anymore? But check out dearborn, MI.

At the least I know i understand the religion a lot more now and I know what I will absolutely not sit back and watch whats coming, happen.

Just a question of what to do now?

On another note, on the way back to the host family's house- we got lost LITERALLY about 8-10 times. That would be funny, but each time we drove quite a distance in the wrong direction due to poorly marked exits etc. I guess it was funny. But we're here now.

Last night the worship guys were down here too and it was very cool getting to stay in a house with them and everyone getting to know each other more. At LCC we talk but we don't get a chance to really hang out because everyone is always so busy. Yup, God is awesome. He does pretty sweet things. Sometime soon maybe sarah or I will blog more about the actual encounters today but thats all for now.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

How Exciting!!!!!!

God is amazing

I don't usually cry for these kind of things, even though they are so awesome. But today Liz Howard got baptized and I'm just so excited and thankful and full of joy for her! It was fantastic. That girl rocks!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

ciy and stuff

I only had a camera phone but here are my pictures from an utterly amazing week, better than any one yet in my life.