God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

I'm off to Wisconsin.
I get to see Jesus in the sky... haha!
Stars are awesome, especially in the winter.
Happy New Year!

Cheryl gives the BEST presents ever.
She gave this to me for Christmas, and I laughed for about 10 minutes.
We were the biggest dorks ever, I love it. Look at our ugly shoes! haha.
Comments suggested.

*edit: Cheryl's hand motion is the "you should see what I see *woosh*" from Dead Zone, her old obsession.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

I blogged.

So there.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Jesus's Birthday!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

One down, one to go. I can't wait to get this Physic's final out of the way. I was informed that I only need a 71% to keep a B, and 21% for a C so I'm good both ways.

I'm really excited, because today my counselor offically approved me to graduate early!!

He made sure everything would work out with credits. I'm going to have 4.5 years of Social Studies/history because he's only giving me 2 English classes, Consumer Econ. and Gym, which is stupid but meh. So Amber and I are taking APUSH with Tiffy just for kicks. He's an awesome teacher. It does't matter since I wont get the AP credit but US history was a class I really liked so.. yeah. Dont think i'm gonna take French 5, since i'm in french 4/5 now, PLUS its actually my fifth year anyway. We'll see. I still need another class.. hmm.. what to take.. AP Calc to get that extra .5 math credit? Is it worth it? or AP bio.. cuz I like biology. Meh I've got 6 months to think about it. I'm really happy about this. So I definately know, 100% what I'm doing with those 6 months. I love Jesus for giving me sweet opportunities! :)

Monday, December 12, 2005

It's a boy.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

There is a reason for everything. So if anyone wants to hang out tuesdays before Bible study I can now. 8-p
I do love you Sarah.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My snowball staff interview is in exactly 20 minutes at 4:48. So whoever reads this, pray that I do well. Even after that there are still tons of people trying out today and tomorrow so pray that they still love me. HAHA. Well.. they pick the best so. It's really important to me.
Thanks guys.