God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

wow.. one year. It's hard to believe that. I hope my mom, my grandma and my uncle are ok, i've been praying for them. Mostly my mom though. I never know when she's upset because she hides it well, but I know it's on her mind. Props to my mom, she's strong. I wanna just go tell her I love her because i know we're both thinking about it, but i'm really ify about saying anything. I couldn't find my lighter last night and i wanted to light my candle. It's ok though. I'm going to try and have a good day, just think about the good stuff. If it ends up not being ok, then that's ok. I know that whatever happens, which ever direction my day goes, that God is with me and he's not going anywhere. If you guys could pray for my family today, i'd really appreciate it.

I love you all.


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