God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
I think it's safe to say that God has worked in some amazing ways this past week. He's worked in me, he's worked in the campers. I've just experienced some things that I never have before.. or haven't for a long time. Good things. I have to give it all to God for just allowing me to have a week completely devoted to him and NOTHING else. No stupid crappy OFCC or home. Just God, and kids who love him. He opened up my eyes and my heart to things around me and just.. he's awesome. Some things may or may not have made me disappointed or sad before make me smile now because I see that good has come from them. I totally just typed "God" instead of good. Indeed he has though. I think one of the best feelings on earth is when you have this burden or 'luggage' so to say, and it's taken from you or lifted off your shoulders and you just feel so much lighter and better. I'm glad to be able to stand and say that I have the Joy of Christ within me, and it hasn't ever gone away but in the past few months just grown to be so huge.. i love it. It feels soooo good. God is-wow-amazing. Beautiful. Glorious.. AWESOME. He's great.
On a different note, I really miss mandy and sarah. I hope they're having a spectacular time in Chile workin and serving the Lord in Jayme's school and teaching English and all that jazz. But I miss 'em none the less. Just a little over a month. Party when they come home too. Hear that guys? PARTY.
And meeshelle, I'll be so happy to see you :)
It pretty much sucks that everyone is leaving or going away somewhere. Michelle's at camp, Kelly is leaving today for camp, cheryl's leaving sunday, morgan's going camping, mandy and sarah are in Chile- ok that's not everyone but those are the people that I'm with the most. Carina is going home to Brazil on June 26th. I will miss that kid cuz she's wonderful
Next week I'll be at LRCA but that's cool because last year it was really awesome. I am thankful for the opportunity. I love camp, all camp. It just rocks. Plus, a very cool youth minister who might be named Josh Rutledge is running it. Rock on.
I miss Michelle. Can't wait to go visit Camp Grow and see everyone.
Work is going alright only cuz I know who and what I'm working for.. God. If it wasn't for YWAM i'd be out of there for a couple of reasons. In all it's not the worst though and it's something to do while everyone's gone.
Well I've got to go pack since I wont be home til after 10 tomorrow night and I have to work on sunday morning. Have a good weekend everyone!
Worked from 7-3 today. It's nice working in the morning cuz there is no one there to make you run around at 7AM. Then again, the less people, the less tips.
Two weeks til camp. It's gonna be awesome! At least I will make it awesome for my girls like last year. I LOVE this camp.
My cousins weren't supposed to come out until July but their grandpa died (the one I'm not related to). I feel bad, cuz i wanted to go to the funeral for them but I have to work :( On a different note, they'll be in Illinois for a long time and i still get to see them in July. I'm still sad for my aunt though.
More waiting is in store for me, I hope it's shorter though, this time.
I can't wait til C.I.Y. but i'm gonna miss michelle until then cuz she's LEAVING in 2 days. Everyone's got their things this summer i guess.
Je suis vais aller au EP.