God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I've offically got a support letter ready!


man time is flying.. I wonder how mandy and sarah felt!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I just love the way the way everything sounds in The Message version of the Bible.

"May God our Father himself and our Master Jesus clear the road to you! And may the Master pour on the love so it fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us to you. May you be infused with strength and purity, filled with confidence in the presence of God our Father when our Master Jesus arrives with all his followers." 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13.

That is sweet! Wishes that God would give us love so incredible (which he does) that we're so full of love we can't help but share it with those around us! It's kind of like having a light so bright that it shines and everyone can see it..being so loved by God that your love 'splashes over on everyone around you'. I want my love to splash, and the world to experience. And it's not becasue of me.. it's because God first loved me. Reading the Bible makes me excited! :)

Oh yeah... I hope everyone comes to Bible study tonight since I think it's been a while since we've had it! For those that don't go to Deer Creek, it's 7-8PM.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Real blog on myspace. I know I know.. that's sad. Oh well. They say only post stuff there if you want the world to see it, and I don't mind the world knowing how AMAZING C.I.Y. was this year.
Christ in Youth.. tons and tons of Christian (and some not) teens from all over the country- arkansas, kansas, indiana, ohio.. and places far far away- gathered at SIU for a week.
Awesome worship.
Amazing people.
Different friendships.
New knowledge.
GREAT memories.
Not-so-bad food.
I love eggs.
Pouring rain.
Dorm time.
Youth ministers saying things you think you'd never hear them say.
Good times.

God is soooo awesome. And C.I.Y. is pretty awesomer too.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Goin up to camp tomorrow with.. a friend. Coming back sunday. Should be a good time, get to hang out with michelle and the staff people a little before we all have to leave and go to C.I.Y. Should also be a nice small break from home. C.I.Y. is going to be amazing, i can feel it. More on that when I get back. I'm pretty much excited that a bunch of new people are going this year (well different from last year) and it's in a new place, more like the 'old C.I.Y.' from what i hear, should be pretty sweet. Well gotta go pack for camp and get to bed cuz I still have work tomorrow.. bummer. Thanks to my nice friend mark who switched with me so i wouldnt' have to get to camp at like 2 AM! :) goodnight.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


God is awesome... and i'm so happy and thankful as ever that I have such an amazing youth group and know such kind and generous people from friend churches.. to anyone reading this who was there.. thank you sooooo much for the money you guys raised/gave to me. I really cannot tell anyone how thankful I am. God is awesome and everyone else is too!!! I know it's just the beginning too. So for those of you that weren't there.. the other day to make a long story short(er).. we went to Lowell for the "lowell bash" which was $2 to help pay for food, and at devotion time Big John started talking about Acts 8 and missionaries and evangelism. So everyone prayed for two other kids and me. Then Big John goes ..we have a pretty big fund at our church or missionaries... i guess what he meant was something like they dont need to worry about the money, so here take what we collected today.. and besides that money, i had 3 or 4 others walk up to me and hand me money and I was just so amazed at how God works.. i wasn't even going to go to this get together.. i was supposed to do something else. Well obviously I wasn't supposed to.. but I planned on doing something else. THANKS GOD, and everyone else. So much closer to DTS!

And THANK YOU MELANIE AND CHERYL (you know what i'm talking about). God really does work in mysterious ways, huh? I love life, and I love being so dang happy. Right now I have the joy of the Lord coming out of my ears :)