God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I'm burning but i dont have a fever. My head really hurts. I felt better earlier, but now i feel worse. Meh. I even took the stupid medicine my mom made me take but its not helping. So even though its only 6:28, i'm gonna go sleep for a while. I dont mean to complain.. but thats what this is here for, and thats what i have to say.

Man.. I really miss Brendan. Over the past week or so since he left I emailed him just to see how he's been doing and stuff, and we emailed each other 21 times. In one week. And even if it's just a sentance or two, the stuff he says is meaningful. Brendan I love you for writing back so quick. Well I love you anyway. It just makes me smile though, if i get online and i only have one message i assume its stupid xanga spam that comes everyday.. but it's not-it's brendan. Yeah.. things just aren't the same without you, there will always be that empty space. Heh that sounds depressing. On the bright side, you still live in Illinois.. it's only a few hours away. At least it's not Arizona :) You better come visit soon, cuz all of us miss you like crazy. Yay Brendan. the end

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I feel like i'm dying. Normally after a few days you get better but it's gotten so much worse. I dont even want to go to bible study and that's saying something, cause i think i've missed one bible study ever (with the exception of when i was at camp). My head it burning. Maybe i'll just go crawl in a hole or in my bed because that would be more comfortable. I'm definately not going to school tomorrow or i might really die. ugh

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Today has got to be the happiest day of my life. It's my birthday. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I figured it was time for a post. Didn't do much this weekend. I knew it was gonna snow so I went to Heather's house. Heh that was fun. We watched slept then watched movies, then slept. Other than that, it was boring. I've been so tired lately I dunno whats up with that. I think I have mono. That would really suck. If I did have it i dunno where/who I would have gotten it from. But I've just really felt like crap the past weekish and I'm super exhausted even when I dont do anything. Prolly just sick from everyone and their mothers sore throats/cold/whatever other illness, lets hope. Anyway, just in case.. stay away. Now I need to go do this stupid pre lab thats not gonna get done. Might as well try. later

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

guys are so dumb.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

This weekend is going to rock, because the ski trip is awesome. All youth group trips are awesome. w00t I hope next monday is as good as the rest of the weekend though. i'm out

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I think when I get to college, God wants me to do something in psycology. It works out because I think it's something I'm good at and it helps people. I want to make sure that whatever I do I can do it for him. I mean, i'm sure if you ended up being a garbage man or something you can still find a way to pitch trash for God, but eh. I dunno. I know that besides that if I'm successful.. heh. that i'll be able to support my family and stuff so rock on. I've got a year and a half to figure it out but I really think that's it. I would say I'm not sure what college I wanna go to, but I'm pretty sure I'll go to lincoln. It's gotta be a Christian college. I wonder where he'll take me. . - . - . - . God works in really mysterious ways you know, but he's never wrong about it.