God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

man on man last night/this morning was fun. I never knew dodgeball could last for so many hours. We went swimming for a little bit and the lifeguard was still in high school, so Ryan decided to mess with her til him and eric both got "time outs" which for Eric was #2. Then eric tried to convince her to quit. Those kids... good times. good times. Heather signed me up for the DDR tournament on Heavy, but that was a lot of fun. I actually passed. I think highlight of the [morning] had to be when Caesar and DAVE decided to enter a contest for a $5 prize if they could chug a whole gallon of milk and keep it down for an hour. So they both lost, but Caesar got further. He only had a little bit more of his to go, and he kept it down longer. The things people do for fun these days...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

cheer up.

i hate to see you sad.


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
I made it!!!

Friday, April 22, 2005

It's bloggin time..

So last thursday at soccer practice i was playing and i felt something tear in my leg, so i told Jaime. She made me go to this Italian? orthopedist guy for my knee, and i think he was crazy but he was cool. So i didn't get to play this week :-\ but on monday I can. It's call good, I've got to get physical theropy though. They're going to put this patch thing on my knee that electro(activ?)ly inserts medicine into it or something. I dunno, but its supposed to help. That's my right knee. I tore my meniscus in my left knee so if it starts locking up, then I have to get an MRI, so let's hope that goes good. Well I'm off.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) JESUS ROCKS!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


finally, we won. That's not even excitement, it's relief. That makes it 1-6 now. heh. Hopefully we can keep it up. And good job, Sarah you played really well. :)

Monday, April 11, 2005

i'm warning you now im mad so deal with it

I'm starting to get really sick of Rich Central. I was sick of it before but soccer urks me sometimes. We're so great, we're on a losing streak. heh, yeah. i do care though because it's important to me. It's not the fact that we keep losing that bothers me so much (although it's up there too) it's the fact that besides Julie and Marylin barely anyone freakin tries, and that pisses me off. I know i'm not the best out there but when i do play it helps me get better, and i try with everything to do as best as possible, ESPECIALLY in confrence games and schools we need to beat, like South, East and Crete. When it comes to sports i'm really competitive and i like to win (i'm not one of those cheater types though, if you dont play fair its not even worth it). I'm really surprised, honestly, cuz last year crete had an awesome soccer team but they weren't that good besides meghan (sp?), which really doesn't make sense cuz she's the one with messed up knees and braces on both of them and she's still the quickest one, and that's awesome- for crete anyway. The game wasn't that bad, i mean it was 1-1 until the last 5 minutes or so.. but still. The reason no one gets anywhere is because they dont try hard enough. If you're scared of the ball then don't play. My issue used to be getting in and taking it away but i'm not afraid to get hit anymore. So what if i get hurt, i mean it'd be hard to get hurt that bad just taking the ball away and at least if i did it'd be a hurt doing something i enjoy. Kind of a 'whats the worst that could happen' kinda thing. I have to admit our team is getting better it could have been another tinley game but they're starting to work together more. Still, i feel like there is no excuse for our team right now, WE could do a lot better.

on a different note, i'm really sick of seeing people i love get hurt. I hate it. I dont like to hate anything but jeez. It always seems to be people who need pain the least in their lives that get it loaded on top of them. I don't mean emotional pain, i mean literally people getting hurt. Emotional pain is just as bad or worse though, just because you cant see it doesn't mean anything. I love my friends with all my hurt and it just kills me to see that. Sometimes it's out of your control and in God's hands and i understand that, but that doesn't make it ok. I remember Josh saying numerous times that it makes him really mad to see stuff like that, especially when he can't do anything. It's like that. I'm mad thats the way it is but I dont blame it on God or anything.

in all i'm just confused with so much stuff right now. I was told i just need 'more time to think about it, and figure it out' but it's not about time. If i confuse anyone else, sorry, deal with it. I'm working on figuring everything out. And it's not a bad thing, i just get frustrated at times. It'll all work out sooner or later, it has to. wow this is long, im out.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

I wrote this last night but the server was down.

Can't wait til tomorrow when we get to go back up to camp for an LDC reunion, i'm gonna see Dave Kevin Barb Nick and PAUL! I miss it so much but only about 2 1/2 more months til we get to be there for camp itself. I feel like making this a public statement: I'm tired of hearing people give us crap about camp, cuz i dunno about mandy sarah cheryl or michelle-cuz i'm not them, but i never said camp was better than C.I.Y. or anything rather.. I said it's awesome and i think it's amazing. And i didn't argue or force that point, I don't plan on it. Yeah I think it's a really cool experience, here's why: I didn't have a strong faith at all before i went there. i've seen 5 or 6 people I know personally come to Christ because of it, 4 of them really close friends. When i got there, i felt this really strong feeling around that i've never felt so strong, it's like you can feel God so strongly it's unbelievable. The love there is so strong. All the staff are really cool and they love the campers and each other, and they've got this burning passion for Christ that rubs off. I can't say there has never been a bad egg or anything, but majority of the people there are really nice and they wanna be friends and i made a ton of friends that i still see and talk to often. It's not boring theres a bunch of stuff to do, like swim, waterski, go tubing, drama or music, frisee golf, sports, canoeing on this OTHER cool lake... a bunch more stuff. I know it's no convention but i love the worship there. We go to campfire after dinner in the evening/night. When everyone's singing it sounds so awesome, and you can feel that somethings happening-especially friday night when we go to spring lake with the cross and stuff. That night just has so much emotion-not the drama kind of emotion, the feeling God so strongly kind. The people in cabins dont just share a room.. they get to know each other and share things with each other in the cabin discussions. I've come to the conclusion that theres no way to describe it, it's just one of those things you'll never understand unless you go there. I'm going to C.I.Y. this summer and I already know it's gonna rock and i haven't even been there yet. I've heard stories but I'm one of those people who doesn't judge based off other peoples experiences. BUT, i STILL know it's gonna rock. :)

Friday, April 01, 2005

So Eric's dad had surgery and he'd doing a lot better. He's coming home from the hospital, thank God for that.