God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

True2u625: did you tell matt about the fire
ipfreally2: the styrofoam thing I did
True2u625: what the 'cancer causing agent' thing or that it was burning
ipfreally2: that your house almost burned down from styrofoam

So my mom puts something in the microwave to defrost then leaves, and i hear it beep (not knowing it was still going) while I'm talking to Heather, and I go in the kitchen to check. Here is my microwave full of flames on the inside cuz someone forgot to take off a twist tie. I blew out what i could then put the rest out with water. The smoke that came as a result doesn't smell too good, thus giving my brother a headache and making my stomach hurt. And our microwave is unsafe now. I don't care about the microwave at the time it was actually kind of funny. But I know why this happened in the first place, and that part is bad. God says "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own"..

...so no over-reacting.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A servant's heart

Greetings from Wisconsin. It's really cool getting the chance to really work up here even if it's just for a short time. I love getting the opportunity to really serve the Lord. It's so amazing the things he has in store that we don't even know. I remember last summer working with Josh we used to be sorry we had to touch nasty pots and pans, but he taught us something about complaining that I never forgot, whether its hardcore dirty work, counsoling or kitchen. Whatever we do, we're doing for the Lord and that's all that matters, so do it with a servants heart. That is why I love being here so much. Aside from getting to meet a bunch of AWESOME people and getting to know them, I really get a chance to get closer to God and learn about him. Man let me tell you, Paul is one awesome guy who loves God with all his heart and he teaches us so much. This guy just plain rocks, and for those of you that haven't met him before, I hope you get the chance to one day. Caesar, you might be able to if you still wanna work here next summer. Haha to Sarah and Michelle, I know all the staff. They are awesome, I can't wait for you guys to meet them. It's so great to be here this week, because i'm kinda getting the staff training while i'm here, and it's pretty sweet stuff. Well that's about all I've got. Jesus rocks, don't ever forget it. Peace.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

A Bientot mes Amies.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

As it turns out I am able to go work next week after all, and Kelly gets to come with me. It's going to be so great I can't wait for the opportunity to serve and have fun, and well as see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a year. As for the behind the wheel, if I can't schedule it for the week after C.I.Y., then I'll just take it through the DMV. Only bad part about leaving this week is that I'm going to miss choir practice, which as Heather can agree, is the funnest thing ever. And yes I know funnest isn't a real word.

This summer is already coming so fast and everything is just going to blow past before I know it. I still can't wait for Chile because that will be an amazing and interesting experience I'm sure. And yet I also can't wait for summer to be over so I can get a job that pays, which I really need. I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts. It's so great being able to chillax. It's also so great that I get to be a junior, because I've been waiting forever. It's gonna be fun. Only a year and a half until I'm out of there for good.


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Just another reason why school sucks

*GASP* I really don't like Driver's Ed instructors one bit right now. They just have to call right before I'm supposed to do something, WORK, that acutally matters, when I waited all semester for them to call me. Chronilogical order my toe! Jackie's birthday is April 28th of 89.. and mine is October 88. So how come she has her license already? That's right, you guessed it- because rich central sucks! That school is really making me TOed. (*shakes head in disgrace*). MEH. I do care about next week but I guess I can't work then. I am working at LRCA whether that retarded school likes it or not, and I'm also going to C.I.Y. so I hope they mean I'm driving next week, not "I'll call you on friday and we'll do it the week after that". I'd love to get up at 6 AM to go drive like Cheryl and Michelle do. It's better than wasting my day waiting around for them. If our school wasn't so behind because they're too slow to actually do it during the year like they're supposed to, then maybe we wouldn't all be doing this in the summer anyway.
Les Sigh
Oh well, at least i'll finally be able to get my license. I can't wait until next year, when i never have to go back to Central again. That will be the 2nd best day of my life thus far.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Aside from that, i wanted to ask all of you to please pray for Sarah and Mandy. Sarah told me it was ok to post this so here it goes. Last night they found out that their Aunt Wanita (sp?) is dying, and she's only got a few days to live. She was perfectly healthy two weeks ago when Sarah saw her, so the news is very shocking and hard on their family. She's only 64(?), it's really sad. To add to it, her brother Justin broke his arm very badly and had to have surgery last night, so please keep their family in your prayers as they go through this difficult time.

you're a jerk

Poo-Head, I hope you have the guts to say that stuff to people's faces and not go and just write a bunch of obnoxious mean things on everyone's blogs. Either way, it's pretty sad you have to do something like that to make yourself feel good.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Somedays I do what I can to entertain myself. Guys dont usually talk that much, so when I get a guy talking on the phone for an hour and 16 minutes, I'm amused. Especially when it's not all me talking, lots of it is them. I realize that girls say a lot of stupid things, but some of the things I hear guys say when you talk for a long time (in person, on the phone whatever) are incredibly funny. And when its late, it's even better because you're tired and things dont make as much sense, or things that shouldn't make sense do thus it's funny. Anyway, that was fun, it made me laugh a whole lot. As my friend Katie would say "Good, Great, Priceless". :) I think I need to go to bed. Since I just can't get enough school (*cough*) I need to be there at 7:45AM tomorrow. yeah yeah it's over.. one day. So have fun with finals all you crete kids. At least mine isn't real work. heh.. ok im done. Goodnight.