God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

What a goofy kid..
Anna: hahaha... i love when you try to be mean
Anna: hahaha... its so adorable
Me: you make me laugh.
Anna: why thank you love
Anna: ..i try..i try..

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I was coming home from work.. just coming home.. and theres a train, so we stop. This train must have gone on for about 10 minutes or so. Then the gate goes up, and about a minute later I realize no one is going anywhere.. and think to myself 'What's the hold up?' The cars in the other lane are moving.. Then out of no where this guy just starts beating and beating someone, so my mom goes call the cops-so i did. However we did drive away because it was beacon hill and you do not mess around with staying around to see what happens.. The operator lady on the phone said to wait, and not to hang up.. when she came back she said that they were looking for this guy (i dunno what that means) and asked if the cop car i had mentioned previously (one had been on it's way i guess, someone must have called before that) stopped.. it did. Then she took my name & number and stuff to get more information if it was needed later. La-dee-da.. my mom goes to wendy's to get something and i see sarah and tell her that i'm shocked at what I just saw.. cuz I'm sure it was more than just a fight. Stabbing? Was there a gun? I have no idea..but MINUTES later (like 2) she called me and said there were like 20 cop cars. So i dunno what happened.. if it was just someone deciding to stop their car and severly beat someone, stop traffic, and do it in the woods?- to fight; or if it was someone getting killed. That stuff doesn't always make it on the news.. I know when they found a car with a body in the trunk at amaco by dominicks like 7-10 years ago.. only people that knew about it were the people that saw/heard from people that saw/local paper and stuff. I dunno where this is going but I'm just kind of.. disgusted at what I saw. That shouldn't happen I dont care what it was about. It's just sad/sick/shocking/frightening and ugh.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


I feel bad.. cuz I do.
It's kinda like one of those Eric moments when you know..
but you still feel kinda like..
It's not funny.
Even if we ALL knew it was going to happen sooner or later....
It's still not funny.
In a snowball moment I would says opps.
Then we would laugh cuz it's over.
So I guess just maybe..
OK.. Michelle would have laughed. But I did too. So there.
It's kinda hard not to when someone says.. 'hey, that weird lady in the window keeps looking at me' 'she said 'hey look! a white boy!''
This is definately over now.

P.S. If this made absolutely no sense.. too dang bad.

#1 Cops robbers and world series

My internet was down since about 3 yesterday afternoon cuz some punk somewhere decided to cut the wires outside my house. The cops (the sbc guy told my dad to call them today, when they saw what happened to them) said that usually the only reason a person would do that, and it was done by a person was because they were going to break in-and you can't call the cops. So either we got lucky, they suck and didn't realize we had cell phones anyway..or realized they were idiots cuz it was broad day light. Most likely all of the above. Therefore, i didn't get to post this last night at 11:47PM:


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Game 3. Currently the score is Chicago White Sox :5 Houston Astros:5. That sucks.. Only one team has ever come back from a 0-3... Go SOX! They can do it.. 4 more games. :)

Now random like always.. theres a dude on the Astros named Adam Everett. Isn't that what ryan's friend from Lincoln's name is?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I've just been thinking, I really like Christmas. The fact that I recently put up christmas lights in my room, i believe, brought this to my attention. Some people might think thats crazy or off the wall, maybe even a little OC. But I don't like ceiling lights, they are too bright, especially when I end up getting home late and not being able to do my homework til 10-11 and my sister is asleep. Plus, like I said, I love Christmas. The colors are relaxing or something, I dunno what it is, but when those lights are on it feels like winter (maybe cuz it's been so dang cold outside). Anyway, the reason I like Christmas is NOT because it's a day when you get a ton of presents from your friends. Me, I am a person who LOVES to buy stuff for other people, so I like going out and finding something that I know someone would really like, and giving it to them.

1) I find it fun to go out and shop for other people (ONLY for christmas, unless i get rich one day). It's just like.. ok so I'm not spending all this money on myself, someone is going to feel good when they get this. :) Happy. Like last year when I made the blankets. It took a while to make like, 4 of 'em, but if I just bought them it wouldn't have been the same.

2) Christmas is about the birth of Christ, (NOT PRESENTS) and that is freakin awesome. If he was never born, he never could have died for all of us, and he's the coolest person that ever lived. So, his birth SHOULD be celebrated.

3) We get a long time off of school, i think somewhere around 3 weeks this year. I don't like school, so this works for me, and that makes time for family like the best person of my life- my cousin. She rocks.

*) I dunno where this is going, so I'm going to end it here.

I love Christmas.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Today was great, I was in a FANTASTIC mood, and I still am, and it would take an awful lot to upset me right now. Wanna know why? Oh I think you already know why. It's because as Michelle, Cheryl, Melanie, Rachel and all you other awesome people have known for a long time...

THE WHITE SOX MADE IT TO THE WORLD SERIES FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 19- 50freakin 9!!! THAT'S MY TEAM!!!!!!! I'M SO PROUD!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOT WOOOOOT!!!!!!!! I am in such a great mood. With a final score of White Sox-6, Angels-3.. they did it!

A.J. Pierzynski came out on the right side of yet another umpiring ruckus, Jose Contreras- that awesome man who i love right now- pitched a five-hitter!!! for Chicago's 4th straight complete game and the White Sox beat the Los Angeles Angels last night to win the AL championship series in 5 games.

``In the end, our pitching was amazing,'' Pierzynski said. ``I don't know if you'll ever see it again.'' (that's a lie, cuz they are awesome)

The White Sox ran back on the field after the game to pose for pictures on the mound as their fans behind the first-base dugout cheered. They'll get two days off before resuming workouts and will take on either Houston or St. Louis, starting at home in Chicago this saturday.

In Conclusion: TAKE THAT CUBS!!2 (and sarah and mandy haha)!!

Friday, October 14, 2005

I was just informed that a really good friend on mine, one whom i've been trying to convince without preaching and all that youth group is good and she should come, and was finally thinking she kinda thought so since she's not so hard on it anymore.. has joined GSA. No offense to the former members who may be reading this ;) ;) But I mean.. former.. we know it's not really right.. so that kinda makes me sad. I really really really hope this doesn't turn meghan on me, cuz that would suck. 2 previous best friends going bi freaked the crap out of me, then one turned lesbian and i dunno about you guys, if you were in that situation.. but it did change some things. It would just be better, if people would realize that GIRLS are supposed to like BOYS and BOYS are supposed to like GIRLS. Maybe it's not even like that.. she may just be a supporter or non-befriending person so she joined. But either way... I really am not happy about the whole GSA thing. Now i'm unhappy. Gosh darn it.. people suck..

Thursday, October 06, 2005

a GIRL matt?.. WHA??!

Everyone liked our Hell cake, especially the teacher. Way to get a good grade on the seminar (at least I hope we did), i mean we did have JACKIE in our group. For those of you that don't know, Jackie is one of my good friends from school- you could say she's a female matt moseng, only smarter. Sorry matt, but I think it's true. That girl is a genius on 5 or 6 different levels. She is instrument smart, she can sing, she knows everything.. not everything, but almost, she READS THE DICTIONARY! and she's not even a nerd. How cool is that? Oh and she can paint/draw, she writes her own music.. and plays it.. i mean really. God must have been excited when he made his plan for her. But she's awesome and I love her. Anyway.. we did our seminar on Dante today, about the "levels" which we kept calling layers when we were planing it, jokingly coming up with "yeah, hell is a cake" and it worked. We made a layer cake with 9 layers, and little mini figurines for satan, dragons, all sorts of things. we are so smart, go us. Only the guys did nothing, like usual. I mean Jasey is cool, but all him and kyle did was eat the cake and say yeah, when people spoke. So entertaing, I gotta love jason. He didn't even read the book either. FYI, it's very interesting if you guys ever want to read it (The Infero). All this dude's point of view from his 'journey through the 9 levels of hell" with subcircles for people who had all these different sins. Most interesting i think is level 7- 1 harm to neighbor, 2 harm to self (suicide woods) and 3 harm to God. The pit of hell is a frozen lake which satan and his 3 mouths eating Judas for betraying God and killing himself, live in the pit of; then theres like a hole that goes back to the pergatory.. where they climb up earth to get back to heaven.. very odd. anyway i'll blog about it later. i'm out. peace.

(you guys know the hell cake was creative..)

Monday, October 03, 2005


Do you agree, or disagree. Please explain.

Sorry about that post last night, didn't mean to offend anyone. It's all good, right?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Right now, I really want to blog. But it's going to be a deep blog and I know that by now, half the youth group reads it, and I'm sure people that I don't know read it also read it. That makes me almost want to delete it period because I don't like being a public person. So, if you have the alternate post place, go there [now]. If not.. deal with it, and don't try to find it cuz it makes me really mad when people do that. If I wanted you to read that one I would tell you. Sorry if this comes across as angry, I kind of am. Don't take it personally.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

This is gonna skip around, cuz that's the way my mind works.
Tonight is homecoming (at east). I'm going, because I really wanted to before, but thenI wasn't so sure. See I've never been to homecoming, and just about everyone else in the world has. I was going to go with matt last year, but I think that's the night we ended up hanging out the 'the guys' at kmart.. how fun. Anyway. I'm not excited. woo freakin hoo. Just kidding. I'm sure it will be fun but I don't even know whose going. I'm not a girly girl so I'm not all into the dressing up doing my nails and my hair with 4 tons of make-up, it's not me. So well see, I'm going with sarah and kelly I think. I say so a lot. Dunno what I'm doing til 7..

Don't have to work today cuz my wonderful manager told me to go take care of the 'girly stuff' right after i told her i wasn't into it. But she wants me to have school spirit for another school and thus, here I am. Work has been going pretty well, for a first job where I knew no one. Makes it kinda fun. Well I sort of knew Stephanie, but she doesn't work much the days I'm there. It's the easiest job on the planet, i get paid decently to stand and greet people and seat them. Michelle would like it, i get paid to smile. It's not hard cuz there are a lot of goofy people working there. I guess what I'm getting at is that I like it. Unfortunately, i mean that seriously, I will rarely get to come to bible study now, so for you guys that I only really see at bible study, I guess I'll be out of the loop. I mean theres still every other monday for choir, church sunday is gonna have to be the early service(but prolly not sunday school cuz i work at 10:35), snl, and i will still be at oasis because I requested thursdays off since I like doing it, and it was a prior commitment.

I think I'm going to go to my 5 questions for homework, and if I feel like it i'll try reading Donte some more. I need to finish that book by this week since our group has the book and is doing a seminar, so i should get on it. I'm going to end this here.