God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I was writing support letters yesterday, and something I wrote on one of them really stuck in my head. I dunno where it came from but it just popped in my head and i wrote it, but I think it's true.

"The brighter you glow, the more you grow"

I was talking being on fire for God. You know how in some people you can just look at them and see them "glowing" with Jesus? Maybe not, but anyway, when you know someone who is a Christian and they just make you happy about Jesus because they're so "on fire".. what i mean is this: When i wasn't a Christian, Sarah made me want to go to church/youth group and get to know God. She was so happy, i wanted to have what she had. The 'glow' made me want to get closer to God myself. The bigger the fire the more it spreads, which is pretty much true in Christianity I think. As for the comment above, obviously the closer you personally get to God, the more you're growing.

Just a thought.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Camp this weekend was really great. I think it was the best work weekend I've been to so far, and I've been going for a long time, i think that was the 5th one. It was really good to see friends I haven't seen in a long time- although most of the ones from Ripon left on Saturday to go to prom. But we found some fun things to do to keep us entertained. Good talks, walks, soccer game, CAMPFIRE (bonfire really). It was just really good having an opportunity to leave this place behind for a while and go up to camp grow to serve God with all I had to give :)

I missed church today although the service at Terrace Shores was really good, it was about the story of the woman was was bleeding for 12 years and she touched Jesus and was healed through faith (mark 5?). I never got the aspect on it they gave us, so that was cool.

So I'm really going to miss being at camp after all this summer. There is this family up there (the clark family) and they're just.. amazing. I don't know how else to say it. It's weird to me almost to know people who grew up in a Christian home who are still SOOOOOO loving to everyone and crazy about Jesus and everything, but out of 6 kids, all of them are still devoted Christians and Gail and John.. we call John papa clark.. they're the sweetest parents I've ever met, and they are SOOOO incredibly loving. We were going home and papa clark was giving us all hugs and he gave us a kiss on the cheek like a dad might do. Even though I usually only see him over the summer (for the past 2 years it's been a long summer up there though), he's still probably just as much a dad as mine is, and i know if i needed anything that family is always there. Jakes the same age as me so i've known him the longest, but caiti and hannah are still awesome. *sigh* I just love that family to DEATH and I'm going to miss them so much this summer. That is my family right there, my family away from home :)

So it's 11:24 and I have school.. and my english teacher said i didn't turn in my final paper (which i definately handed to him on thursday and submitted online.. which had to be exactly the same so either way i have proof that it was done). Hope that one works out.. but i need to go to bed. Good night.

I'm so happy. God is incredible, and I love how he can just fill your life with joy in the smallest little ways. :)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

There are so many things in this life to be incredibly thankful for, it's impossible to count them. It would be so easy to wake up daily and just ask God why certain things happen or certain things are the way they are. We could tell God that it's not fair, or that it's not right. God is God, and he knows what he's doing. It's really hard to understand that sometimes I think. But look around- look at all the amazing things God has blessed us with. No matter HOW crappy anything could ever be here on earth, at school, at home, with friends, with family, with anything- no matter how awful all of that might seem sometimes, there are still always going to be things to smile about. If our family is crappy- at least we have a family.

So many times I get upset with my dad and i've even asked myself why I have to deal with him - but I have a dad. I know so many people who don't even know who their dad is and they'd rather have one they fight with a lot then not have one at all. And I love my dad, no matter what happens.

At least we have houses to live in, so many people around the world just live on the street.

At least we have someone in our lives who loves us, even if we think we don't. We never have to be alone, and we never have to do things on our own. God is always with us, always helping us even if it's not the way we want him to. But he knows what he's doing, and he's always right. The love that we receive (and have received) from him is so amazing no one else's love could ever compare to it. Jesus DIED for us, God gave up his only Son, for US.

That is love.

Those are the big things. We could be thankful for the little things too, like the sun shining down on us, like pillows on our bed, like the birds in the sky. Just be thankful for life, cuz you only get one in this world. Might as well live it and love it.


Friday, May 05, 2006

Kiarrah had her baby yesterday. It's a girl (we already knew that) her name is Ezeriah (dunno if thats how it's spelled). She's healthy, and Kiarrah and her baby are ok. Thanks to you guys who have been praying for them.

Tonight is prom. I didn't really plan on going until like a week ago, so I didn't do anything extravegant. I'm still excited to go and just hang out and stuff, I've been waiting since Jr. High. That's a part of being a girl I'm happy about- being able to dress up and look really pretty and go have a good time. That's not something I do very often so I'm sure it's gonna be cool. I signed this Prom Promise that says I won't drink/do drugs and drive.. i think it should have said i won't drink/do drugs at all.. but that's me. My school isn't quite as ... it's not quite like Rich East so I don't think it will turn that dirty or anything. Aside from going to prom tonight I start working tomorrow. According to my mom (cuz I have no idea) I'm working a double, on the first day.. which is kinda weird but meh. It's money for YWAM so it's all good. I should still be home by the late afternoon anyway I think. Whatever. I'm glad I get to go. Screw dates.. I can go with my friends and not have to worry about just hanging out with one person, I can go socialize with everyone. Plus Amber and Blair aren't "real dates" anyway. I'm excited, it's going to be really awesome!

Have a good night everyone! Don't drink and drive! Actually, don't drink at all. :-p