God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Please pray for my friend Eric's dad. On tuesday night he was coming home from work and got hit in the back of the head with a pole of some sort, but he still drove 45 minutes all the way home. I'll skip the details. He got stiches, but they said that he got hit so hard his brain hit the front of his skull and is bruised. He's got some internal bleeding in his head, and thats really not good. Cheryl got this info from Eric, and she was told he might not make it. :(

Please keep eric's dad and his family in your prayers.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

When i was little I used to love Easter cuz i got a bunch of candy.
Pft to candy, Jesus is alive!

Rock on. He is that man. Happy Easter everyone.

Friday, March 25, 2005

what an interesting week. Tonight was cool. Everything went ok and turned out pretty good. Dunno what i'm doing for break but still hopefully lookin at seeing sarah FINALLY. If not, theres some other to get done. Spring break came at a really good time. It's great to finally relax and not have anything to do. SLEEP! that rocks. This is one time when i like sitting around and doing nothing, just not the whole week. I'm i've-got-to-get-out kinda person. We'll see. I'm out.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

i realized i've got nothing to say anymore.
The End

..and it is the end.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

wow.. one year. It's hard to believe that. I hope my mom, my grandma and my uncle are ok, i've been praying for them. Mostly my mom though. I never know when she's upset because she hides it well, but I know it's on her mind. Props to my mom, she's strong. I wanna just go tell her I love her because i know we're both thinking about it, but i'm really ify about saying anything. I couldn't find my lighter last night and i wanted to light my candle. It's ok though. I'm going to try and have a good day, just think about the good stuff. If it ends up not being ok, then that's ok. I know that whatever happens, which ever direction my day goes, that God is with me and he's not going anywhere. If you guys could pray for my family today, i'd really appreciate it.

I love you all.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

I remember what seems like yesterday. Couldn't hear your voice but I knew you were there. You were always listening- listening to every word i'd say. Your heart was fading, and i wasn't there. You were at the other end.. couldn't speak but i knew what you'd say. Couldn't hear your voice, but I could hear your heart say.... I am gonna see you in a little while.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Tomorrow is friday. Ever have those weeks where you can't wait for the weekend to come and it seems like school and stuff just goes on forever? Actually my weeks go by pretty quick, it usually surprises me. I'm one of those people who can't stand being in my house too long, so I hate it when all week i'm doing work then the weekend comes and i have nothing to do and end up sitting here. Sometimes it's really nice, good chance to sleep and be lazy, but i feel like I have to get out. (of my house). I must be getting lazier. Last year i didn't like soccer practice while it was happening, but this year, well right now at least, i just don't want to be there. I think it's cuz of the cold. I actually rather enjoy practice, and i need it ;) but i think it's extreme when we're out running in the snow. Maybe that's why i'm sick.. but i'll still go. Well i dunno if i'm sick, but i didnt feel well yesterday. Either way, if its snowing or raining or whatever, i'm still going tomorrow. And if i dont feel like it then theres really no point to me being on the team or playing in the games. Some days i wonder cuz i just feel like quitting soccer. That's why i feel incredibly lazy. I think it's more of 'man i have so much to do and this takes up all my time' kinda thing. I mean, take sarah: sophmore- she's got ALL honors classes, she plays soccer outside of school, she loves church with all of her heart (thats a lot)and comes to bible study/snl, stays up past 12 most nights doing homework which she usually finishes even with all the other stuff she does, then she does snowball. I dunno if any of you know, but if you staff snowball it takes up a CRAPLOAD of time. She's prolly missed weeks when you add it up of church cuz of it, not to mention her own "free" or not so free time. She also helps run the bible study they've got at east wed? mornings, so her and mandy have to plan that. (And I feel overwhelmed with stuff to do?) So i think next time i think man i've got so much to do, how can i get it all done- i'll take a look at all that cuz she manages somehow. I just don't want to be that stressed. That makes me apprecitate the sitting at home not doing anything. But still.. i dunno, maybe it's more of a being alone thing i dont like. I'm a small group/sorta people person. I like being around some people. By some i mean not too many (not some specific people.) Plus I love my friends and i like hanging out. most of the time. I'm tired, so this is the end.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

so much fun.. this weekend was awesome. I missed hanging out with everyone, and ryan since he left to go to college, so i really had fun. I dunno why everyone says ryan is so annoying (i'm not saying he never is.. but so can everyone else be). I love ryan cuz he's one of those people who you can joke around and have fun with, goof around.. but he can be serious too when he needs to be. I knew that before he left though, cuz i got to know him more this summer. Anyway, i missed hanging out with most of the people i hung out with, so that was cool. Snl tonight rocked. I like getting to know different (i choose to refrain from the word 'new') people, cuz they can be really cool. I mean not everyone will be, but the ones i've talked to seem to be. That rocks. I love sunday tuesday and thursday nights. They're just fun. :) and Q ripped his pants.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

what a bummer

None of this will matter in the morning.

My cousin Sarah came up here from Kansas with her youth minister and another girl in her youth group for this confrence in south barrington or rolling meadows or somethin, and she told me this like..2 weeks ago. She tried calling me but her parents gave her the wrong #.. i have a smart family. So until tonight she wasn't able to get a hold of me.. and they're leaving tomorrow. We were all ready to just chill tomorrow cuz I would DEFINATELY blow off school to see her (since i rarely see her cuz she lives so far away), i love that kid with all my heart and more she's like my best friend. Dang Amy, she could have just given her my cell number. If i had my license i'd leave right now to go see her, but they're leaving tomorrow and they dont know what time, which is gay, cuz she has no cell phone. It just sucks when you really look forward to something like that, and i have been for the last few weeks, then nothing happens. I mean we're slow and didn't think asking each other ahead of time, so i guess it's our fault. No worries, hopefully I'll see her spring break somehow. I dunno how. Maybe it would save our whole family (my dad and her dad) money if we met in St. Louis or something. That's not too far for us or for them, a lot closer than if one of us went the whole way.. who knows. I'm not getting my hopes up but it'd be cool. Then Katie could come home from Lincoln and see us too. yay. LCC is better than UofNL anyway.. ok i'm tired and i just wasted at least an hour trying to figure out stuff that doesnt matter now. It happens, right?