God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hey guys, I dunno who has heard.. but: (I was told to spread the word)

SPACE IS HAVING A MOVIE NIGHT!! He needs people to come though, so he wants to know if it should be-
A) Friday
B) Saturday
C) not at all

Caesar I know we were gonna plan on doing our everybody hang out thing friday.. but we should have a stupid movie night. What do you think? COMMENT GUYS!! I think it'll be cool.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Today i was thinking, and I was just reading blogs and it made me think. There have been a few things on my mind, but 2 in particular. I've been praying about my sister and how to feel with her coming to youth group cuz i really REALLY want her to come and just see how amazing it can be. I want her to know that Deer Creek isn't like most churches, cuz it's unlike any other one i've ever been to- they were all the same to me. Obviously it's a little weird though cuz she and I were never that close before.. but I wished that there was some way God could get her to come, but I was kinda being a jerk about it in my heart.. by that i mean.. i thought it would be awkward but not sure how. Then on sunday on the way to church this song came on, and i remember distinctly it was the song that was playing when I commited myself. That just really hit me and God really brought out to me that nothing would make me happier than to see her come to Christ, and I mean that. I don't care what it takes I know that God will work through me, or us (the ones she encounters). Then when I got to church i felt really bad about the way I did feel.. cuz i don't know how i could ever doubt that her meeting the awesome friends I have in my life and the COOLEST YOUTH MINISTER EVER could not be a good thing, cuz it will be. I guess I'm just really really thankful he showed me such a great thing. The other thing on my mind is just that I've been reading the Bible a lot and I only want what God wants for me, and I only want to be who he wants me to be. I know he made me in his imagine, and gave me the characteristics he wanted and stuff.. but sometimes I think I could be a better person, and live better if I changed some of those things. I mean, I don't always know if that's all God or if it's me too. He will show me, I know that. Do you guys ever feel that way? Tonight in Bible study we were talking about that, how no one is perfect but we're supposed to try and be like Jesus. He is perfect. So therefore, we are supposed to try? Or both. I know how to live like a Christian I just need to work at it, and so does everyone cuz you could always do better. All I know is that God is amazing and regardless of the world around me not being just the way I want it, I am so blessed to have a strong faith, and with the most awesome friends ever. <><

Sunday, August 21, 2005

THANK YOU JESUS!! I am finally done with that stupid project that took all of two days.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

These are some of the most retarded things I've heard in a long time, i'm amused.

"Hi, I'm Jason and I like correcting sentances."
"There are just too many black people in an all black school"
"Get a ride.. Get a ride!!! Ok i'm comin to get you"
"How come that part of the picture is darker?" "That's where you shave it."

Burn of the day...
"no.. it's false.. Ashley! You are not God" (<-may have had to be there for that one)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Feeling better. :) I dunno what was wrong with me.. hmm. Oh well. So I found out that I have until next friday to spark note the Crucible. That play is boring so far.. everything they made us read has to do with witchcraft. I tried to read it, really. It didn't work out. Anyway.. I also have until next friday to do my 3 book reports on books I never really read, for 5% extra credit which will do me no good as soon as I transfer. That is a long run-on sentance. Anyway... maybe that will come with me to the new school. Who knows. I'd rather be prepared. 5% will do me good in the long run. What else is new.. I miss hanging out with my boys. It was cool when we all used to chill. I guess there's not much to do anymore. Now that Q's got a girlfriend again he doesn't have much time.. It's all good as long as they're happy :) maybe when school starts and there is less work. Meh. I might have a job soon too so I don't know. Q heather and I still need to do that one thing.

heather M
ARQUARDT one day you are going to come hang out and we're going to go do something awesome..

and Jordan you need to hang out too. And it will be sweet. Like the ol' times.

ok I'm going to end this now.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Hey guys, whoever reads this can you please pray for me? I'm really really sick and if it is as bad as it was earlier or gets any worse, i might go to the hospital. I love you guys.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Man, tonight brought back so many good memories of when we were younger. So every year our street has a block party (i dunno why they call it a block party.. when it's really just our street). Majority of the time, people who used to live on our street come back for it. Jess couldn't get out here this year because she didn't have a car, and heidi didnt come until pretty late because of work. But it's all good, because she still got out there. I remember when there used to be a ton of kids.. Nick, Alex, me, Heidi, Jess, matt, james, kelsey, austin.. now it's just Krissy, Heidi, Billy, Erica and I. I had to go take heather home, so when I came back i found Heidi and Billy just laying on the trampoline, and we all just layed there and talked for a long time. That was pretty cool. It's really good to know you have those friends who you've known and been friends with pretty much your whole life. Those people for some reason just make me feel good. I mean, we're the ones that grew up 'the kid down the street' but still hung out and played toger when we were younger, and played soccer and stuff- even this past year. It made me laugh at him, but Billy kept on insisting that we MUST play flashlight tag. Regardless of the fact that Heidi and Billy are going to be seniors, this is still fun simply because we've done it every year since there was a block party that we can remember; and i can't remember when there wasn't one. Good times. Tonight just made me really happy. I wouldn't give anything for all those memories. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I'm cold. My house is freezing but that's ok, because I like it. It's actually pretty enjoyable. It'd be cool if Michelle were here, but she's out in NC. So Cheryl, Mandy, Sarah, Kelly, Mel and Heather are gone too. Meh. It's interesting how time goes. Usually it seems to be going either really slow, or really fast. I can't really say how it's going right now. So guys, I might have surgery soon. Don't freak out sarah or kelly.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I guess God really does work in mysterious ways, interesting time to find this out...

So this guy is my big brother just as much if not more sometimes, than matt is. I'm kind of amazed right now.
True2u625: i have a question real quick
Jmw632: k
Jmw632: go ahead
True2u625: i was reading that entry from way back, like july 7
Jmw632: ummm k
True2u625: and it says
True2u625: every day i pray to god that she will either love me again or that i will get past this, that he will give me the strength, cause i dont want to feel like this anymore, every moment of my life i want to kill myself...please god...i just want you to show mercy, take my life or at least when i wake up the next day, make it not hurt anymore....
True2u625: so..
True2u625: you pray?
True2u625: and you believe there is a God?
Jmw632: beth ive believed in god since i was 8
Jmw632: just dont want to take [***] from matt
True2u625: wow
True2u625: i never knew that
Jmw632: before you said you were gonna sign off i was gonna tell you
True2u625: seriously?
True2u625: so like.. you have faith?
Jmw632: that i do
Jmw632: listen, every time i go for a walk, i talk to god
True2u625: that my friend is a slap in the face :-p
Jmw632: if you say so
True2u625: lol
True2u625: Good to know that
True2u625: though
Jmw632: i dont have a specific religion or what not, i just believe in god

The real post is not on this one.

Monday, August 08, 2005

This is going to be a lot of random things on my mind.
I'm really happy right now, because I get to see Anna later and I haven't seen her in a really REALLY long time. I love Anna, that kid is awesome.
I just saw on Brendan's blog that Peter Jennings died. How interesting.
There is choir practice tonight. I haven't been to choir in about 2 months. This should be fun, because choir practice is always fun.
Anna and I might kidnap Heather, if her mom won't kill her for it. It would suck for her to get in trouble and not be able to do anything for a long time, again.
I wonder what time Cheryl and Michelle are coming back out here...
I think i'm going to finish checking blogs.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
And Jesus loves you too.

I have to go back to camp. And right now I don't really want to because theres too much going on. Meh. God's directing me there for a reason I guess and I've really got to trust him right now. RELAX.

and Kelly, I'm praying for you. <3

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I got an email from Sammy! :-p

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Hola. I think i'm going to print this out and show it to people when they ask me about chile, so I don't have to explain it 800 times. Chile was very cool. It was winter down there so it was kind of cold for the most part at night, but it was barable. The people were absolutely incredible. It really does amaze me how much people who hardly know each other can love each other. We were down there for 8 days and I fell in love with the families. I have to say I think Humberto's family touched me the most. He was legally blind before and with the funding of the mission's supporting churches (i think deer creek) he was able to fix both eyes. And 3 doctors told him his son sammy wouldn't live when he was just a baby, but he did. I could just see God working so strongly in their lives, and they all love God so much; especially Humberto and his wife Carmen. They have a very small house but they are so proud of it, and they show it. That is really cool to me. Some of the workers really touched me too- Luis, Marcelo(sp?), Carlos and Juan. They were all awesome, but Luis especially. Not only is he an actor (for fun) but he's got such a heart for God, he loves God soooo much. He was always singing and smiling and he was so sweet to me and everyone else. I don't know if i've ever met such a nice guy before. There are more stories about him but I'll leave that up to jordan and the guys to tell. As for what we did on the trip: we left from chicago to dallas and from dallas to santiago. We just made our flight because they held the plane for us, so they didn't get our luggage on the plane. We arrived in Chile Saturday morning, and our luggage got there the next day. Sat. we passed out flyers for English Club. Sarah and I went with Gonzo (or Gonza) that guy was one of a kind. He always talked like bevis and butthead and laughed like them, it was funny. Sunday we had church in the morning, and that night we went downtown and saw a really huge pentocost?? church that held somewhere around 4-5000 people i believe; then we saw a shrine thats been there for ever 50 years. Monday was VBS and soccer.Tuesday we went to shop. Mel, mandy, rick, dennis jack and i went to a drug center. The guys there were really nice and they seemed like they were really touched by us being there. They also gave us all candy. Then we went to a fish market and got fish, fish heads and urchens. Wed. we did VBS again and played soccer. Thursday we went to the coast with our "chilean buddies". Went to the pacific- it was really awesome since i'd never seen the ocean before. It was really pretty, and we got to play in it :-p. My Chilean buddy was Nicole, she was really sweet. Josh and Jacki had about the most adorable little girl i've ever seen in my life. We took our kids to McDonald's since most of them never had it, and Josh and jacki read her the entire menu and all she wanted was french fries. Then we had the best ice cream ever and went to see some battleships/harbor. It was illegal to take pictures of them but richard and i did off the bus. Oh well, no one will know. Friday was VBS again. It was really cool hanging out with the kids and getting to know them. The younger kids were cool but the ones I remember the most were Sammy, Natalia, Nicole, Roberto, Sebastian, Jarlyn, Carolina(i think that was her name..) and Jayme of course. These guys were just so sweet and cared about other people so much it amazed me. I mean, they were just really friendly and humble to us, and opened up to us right away even though we were just gringos. Saturday we hung out had a party and left. Onces were cool. I went to Humberto's with mel, mandy, sarah, kelly, amy, & heather; Monica's with mary, matt and caesar; and Nancy's with kelly, candy and amy. Food consisted of bread ham and cheese for every meal. Sometimes we had other things too, like yogurt w/breakfast or meat/soup w/lunch. Food there was really good, we brought some back. MonteCarlo, the store down the street, supplied melanie and I with some AWESOME strawberry jelly and jam cookies. I also brought home some of those chocolate roll cookies.. good.. and mints, tuyo bars and those berry things. In all, Chile was just incredible. I can't even fathom the way God was working through all of us down there- gringos and chileans. God is awesome and I hope someday I can go back, but I'm tired of explaining now. So next person that asks about Chile I'm sending them the link. Chao