God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

just wow..

Never in my life did i ever think that the phrase "it'll be ok" could be the funniest, most disturbing and most frightening thing I ever heard all at the same time. But it was. Man, I know why michelle is so thin.. cuz laughing really hard for long periods of time works your abs. That is the 2nd best feeling in the world to me, laughing so hard that it hurts and/or you can't breathe. I love it! heh.. michelle one night you need to hang out with these 2 friends of mine, and you will laugh until you pee your pants. I've never done it, but you laugh easy anyway, so if i cry from laughing.. heh..

Oh the days...

Thats the second time I posted something about 6 hours earlier and it didn't show up.. anyway. Tonight was fun ditching homecoming. My friend Jackie and i went to applebees cuz the food was decent and it WASN'T HOOTERS!! :p THEY WORE CLOTHES!! ha ha. Then went back to her house with a few other people. Her little sister becky made us brownies (how sweet) they were good.. Man.. jackie gets away with a lot. In her room she's got pictures on her ceiling, like, pictures she drew of a horse and something else. It's awesome. So we made a music video to an nsync song. I hope it never gets released lol. Heh.. if it does it will be funny. Tonight was awesome. I particually enjoyed it cuz there were only 4 of us and not 6 or 10 or the whole stupid Rich Central. I think that's the first time in a LONG time I've hung out with only school people and liked it. I really need to work on that Prince paper while I have a little time. I won't tomorrow. So I will end this here. Goodnight to all.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

sorry to anyone reading that if that post ever does show up it will probably show up about 50 times. so.. i hope it does at least. cuz blogger wont wont!!!!! At least it's down for me

in the time it takes from applebee's..

So. The kids I hang out with at school for the most part that is, don't like/have school spirit. My friend Jackie is the 'let's where black next week and not participate' kinda girl. So we're going out to applebee's and ditching the homecoming. MMM i've never been there. gtg now

Monday, September 19, 2005

Have you ever read a word so many times it begins to look funny or seem like it's spelled incorrectly? I had to find some stuff tonight and when the word "POEM" pops up 80 times on google.. it looks wierd. I also think the word "true" starts to look like it's spelled funny when you write it a ton of times. Heh.. i found a good one though. :)

On another note.. everything is good. Life, friends, sleep, school (although it's a bit stressful). I did mess up my knee yesterday so I'm going to get an x-ray or MRI as soon as the doctor calls back with an appointment. Since it's an ortho and not an emergancy thing it's probably going to take a while. So, it's all good. I'm alive and I can still walk, i'm not a gimp YET. Ha. Well I am off to do my homework and read God's AWESOME word.


Friday, September 16, 2005

I'm glad no one thinks i'm crazy, but I am seriously really freaking scared of my house. This isn't a laughing matter, it's getting to be really bad. I think I should just move away and maybe it will be better.. i never liked this house anyway. Then i might feel SAFE for one night of my life. I know that I have God here in me and in this house.. and not thing can touch me, persay.. but that doesn't mean it's not there. sigh. I have to go. Later guys

Monday, September 12, 2005

This might be a deep blog, we'll see what happens.
Drunk drivers just completly suck. Whoever i sent that email to (which is almost everyone who reads my blog if i have your email address) I hope you guys read it. I've always disliked alcohal for less than personal reasons. I mean if you're over 21 and you're drinking a glass of wine while out to dinner or champaigne at a wedding or something, no problem. But when you go out to a party, especially if you're a teenager or someone with no life and nothing better to do than drink your life away, you're just plain retarded. I've seen accidents near my house caused by drunks. I've seen people get hit by cars because they were drunk/on something. It's not fun. Anyway.. I just don't understand why people think that they need to drink or do drugs to the point of intoxication, there are SOO many things much more fun to do than that, for example: ride a bike, hang out with friends, watch a movie, go cruisin, eat!! i mean come on. Now this has got me to thinking it's not just alcohal, its anything.. drinking is ok once in a while if you've over 21 and you dont get drunk. But I think it's stupid to smoke. Maybe you tried it once when you were younger (if you're an adult) and you didnt realize what it does to you. How nice, get some gum. CANCER STICKS. Meh.. there are worse things though like crack, heroine, PCP.. all those hard core drugs. My point is drugs are for losers.. go find something better to do with your life. If you happen to do any of those things.. I don't hate you i just think you're an idiot. I guess it could get personal- I've seen a ton of my friends have such screwed up home lives because their parents do drunks or drink, and it's stupid. People act dumb when they do that stuff and just end up hurting others along the way. This is where that email comes in. Go read it, now!! Anyway. People you can fix your lives.. Drugs are for losers. Don't be a party fiend.. and the moral of the story is going to be.,. Jesus loves you and I'm tired.

I am no longer angry.

Have a good night.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I want to thank all you awesome dudes and chicks for being friendly at snl. When I got home tonight my sister went on and on about her family group and so and so... "ask jacki about this" and "jordan drew this picture on his info sheet with a slot machine"..?.. heh. She's all excited though and I'm just really thankful to see that she's having a good time and she doesn't feel attacked or like anyone is forcing anything on her. She loves you guys.. how could she not i mean you all rock. ALL OF YOU. Anyway.. today was pretty awesome. I was thinking honestly that the first SHFTVH aka SNL wouldn't be as much fun at it was. But it turned out really well. I know that the LaughableDorksRMichaelJacksonWannabz is going to be the most awesome group ever, but hey, your groups are cool too guys, so dont feel bad HAHA. I'm in a really good mood tonight. Actually I have been for quite some time. That could be cuz i've seen a lot of my friends lately.. not just you awesome youth group kids.. like Jess and Anna and Joel and Veronico and DANIELA!! :) School is going alright believe it or not. I'm going to need to apply myself a little more to physics cuz it's not as easy as i wanted it to be but. I've got that AP European history to keep me busy too. I need to go take a shower cuz it was pretty hot and MISQUITOY tonight, don't you think? (yeah, it was). SOOO still gotta do that SBwhatever that other little text book for APeh is called and answer the questions. Guys.. that is everyone not just youth group people, like JASON and EJ too.. I miss you guys.. I love you all. One last thing.. I'm convinced that we can make this the best year of youth group in a long time.. I loved my freshmen year so much youth group was my favorite place and if i missed it i'd about cry. We need to make it like that. :) I know we can. Cuz Josh is awesome too. Alright i'm rambling. Goodnight to all.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

So I went to the Crete football game tonight (which i did not watch) with kelly, and this teacher walks up to talk to Ashley about being in French. I was like "heh.. spanish. I'm in french 4." so he starts trying to talk to me in french like "Parlez-vous francais?" Um.. oui? un peu. someone in french1 could answer that. I should have said, "Oui, je suis dans francais quat, mais c'est mon cinqieme ane de francais. IL N'AIDE PAS MOI DANS VIE!!! JE NE SOIN PAS MAINTENANT!! Thats the truth guys. I didn't even know the dude. Is there a guy french teacher at crete? When I told him I go to central he's like.. good luck with that. Hey jerk, Moise rocks my socks ok? She's the best french teacher there is. That's why i haven't quit yet.. Nous Jamais traville dan ce class. ha ha. I love slackin. I'm so tired I'm going to sleep. Happy Birthday to Jason and EJ. Later

**ANS!!! lol it's a funny mistake so i'm leaving it.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I should be sleeping but i feel like blogging. I don't care how tired i am cuz i dont have any tests tomorrow. I'm just a tad bit irriated right now. Not really irritated more like shot down. I was supposed to go to camp this weekend but there wasn't enough room or something so I get to sit at home. Less work for me.. I can serve God from here. So guys, I can hang out with the cool kids from deer creek while they go to loser camp grow. That's not me being upset or anything, I agreed to stay here cuz it's less of a hastle. And i meant to say loser camp grow cuz it's not so 'super special' to me anymore. In the beginging it was like God was there so strongly and I never felt that before. But i feel him in my life a lot now so it's not so special. I mean, I would love to see my friends like Katy and a few others.. but meh. Anna's prolly coming here saturday after work (like midnight) so we get to hang out.. sleep, and go to church. :) I thought it would be lonely with all of them gone, at least michelle and sarah.. but maybe not. I can prove myself wrong but meh. God's gonna put it all together for me. There's a reason it worked out like this, I know that. Just remembered.. mr. rapp is slow. Today was play tryouts and he totally skipped over me. I was only trying for an understudy part but still, you have to try out. Anyway.. its all good cuz blair and i are working set. Less commitment and pracitce. Heh.. i was willing it's so much fun but no soccer this year so spring play will happen. I need sleep. I dont wanna let life get me down, so I'll focus on the good stuff I can. I dunno what to look forward too since this weekend was that.. but I'll find something. I've got Jacks n amber to keep me laughingn at school. Hopefully those weekend people will be able to do something after all.. it would make my day. I love you all but i'm tired so I'm going to end here... goodnight. <><

Monday, September 05, 2005

Please read

OK guys. I was talking to Trish and and she said it would be ok if I blogged this...
Trish is a very good friend of mine whom I love with all of my heart, and she's got a great faith and a huge heart.
Trish's friend Sean died this morning. He was in an accident a while back which left him in critical condition. From what Trish and I have talked about, he was toughing it through for a long time. Right before Sr. High camp they took out his feeding tube, and didn't think he'd make it very long. Trish wasn't going to stay the whole week because she was pretty sure what would happen. But God helped him hang on and she stayed, and went to Mexico on a mission trip. God helped Sean to be strong and battle for a long time but this morning, he took him home. Although she knew it was coming, Trish is still having a very hard time and she needs your prayers. I ask that you ALL pray for her, her family, and her brother Dave (Sean's best friend)/Sean's family. It's really hard to understand sometimes why an amazing God allows such horrible things to happen, but the Lord has a plan and he works in mysterious ways- we have to trust him with our whole hearts, minds and souls. Please everyone, pray hard. <><

Sunday, September 04, 2005

"haha, you're blushing."
"People are going to know Heather has feelings? That can't be good..."

"When you smile it's funny cuz you're cheeks get all big."
"I feel like a puppy."


Saturday, September 03, 2005

i'm going to start putting random song and movie quotes up, just because

Sometimes I wish that it would rain here

Friday, September 02, 2005

On of my friends, Cheryl- my 7th grade teacher actually, told me once it would help me to make a grateful journal. Actually she told me to do it and in a month or so she'd 'check up on it', this was like a year ago.

Well, not too long ago she asked me about it. Her idea was that in her journal, at the end of each day, she would write at least 3 things we was thankful for. When i made the hope livejournal originally thats what i made it for. I kinda didn't think about it for a long time. I had this attitude for a while, that even if everything sucked so bad I'd rather not be where I was, that it was happening for a reason and I was actually thankful for it being crappy. Hey.. suffering developed perseverance, perseverance character. So... I decided to do it again.

1. I'm incredibly thankful for the most awesome friends in the world, because without them I don't know where I would be. Friends are sooo awesome to have and I think everyone needs em. So aside from just having them I'm thankful for how much they rock.
2. I'm grateful that even though I really dont like school at times, like today, that I'm able to go. there are people all over the world who don't have that priviledge and I shouldn't sit complaining about it sometimes.
3. I'm thankful that even though I don't have my license I still have a car that I can drive. Like we learned.. if you family owns more than 1 car you're in the top 2 richest% in the world. I am definately thankful that even though sometimes to us it might seem like we're "poor" we don't really know what that word means.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I love laughing, I think it is one of the best feelings in the world.

I got a lot of that tonight :-p