God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Friday, March 31, 2006

so my internet is down.. so josh and anyone else who might need to get a hold of me, it might not be up for a few days. It took me 45 minutes to do what i can usually do in 5 or 10 and this is on dial up.. my mom wont let me. My comp. wouldn't let me download those questions so if you could josh, could you give them to me tomorrow morning? thanks.
Just came on to send in a paper for english (our crazy teacher makes us send it to some professional company to make sure it's not plagerized.. quite brilliant actually since so many kids cheat). Figured I'd say hello to everyone since I haven't blogged. I'm out. Have a good weekend guys.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I wish there was no such thing as teenage drinking.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Don't drink and drive.
For once, something actually provoked me write that, not just a 'don't do drugs' end quote. But don't do drugs either.
Sometimes situations aren't supposed to be funny but man.. you really can't help but start laughing like Michelle. She would have been on the floor.
Great ending to a good weekend.. and a yay God for getting to see Brendan after all. You rock Brendan.

Wisconsin wasn't bad.. I liked the conditions at caberfae better but hey.. I still had fun. Mel tricked me into going down a double black diamond.. twice.. the first 2 runs. And the funny part, after me thinking there was no way I was about to stop praying for my life as I blazed down the hill, was that I didn't even know that until this morning. It was the ski patrol guy who suggested that maybe I should go down a little less advanced hill.. cuz I didn't know it was that bad til I got down and looked up. heh I rock. I'm surprised I didn't break my neck. That's cuz God is awesome and he was watching over me. He rocks.

The End

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I’m supposed to be on key train but oh well. It's more fun to play with your blog during school. Just finished up a test for CAT that's 30% of my grade so I hope I did ok. I'm not too worried, it wasn't that hard plus I think I got the extra credit. The funny part of this is that the teacher walked into the lab, saw that no one was on key train and just walked off and didn't care. Gotta love Miss Misch, she makes me laugh. So today is the cut day for soccer. It's about 25 degrees outside so I hope I don’t die trying. We'll find out. I'll blog more when I have time.

Try outs weren't bad, looks like some of those new girls are pretty dang good. We'll see...

Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's beautiful out. I love the rain. It's amazing the way God knows where every single drop is going, where it came from, how many there are. He tells every lightning bolt where it should go, when the sound of thunder should roll through the sky. I know God is always all around me, but when it rains I feel it really strongly. He's just so awesome.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

c'est triste

Paul is going to Osan AFB in Korea.

No one really blogs anymore.

I've been thinking about our youth group. Dunno why, but this year it seems really awesome- that's definately a good thing. Everyone seems to hang out with a bunch of people, I got to know a bunch of different people, and there are so many more people coming now. Josh said we had a record number this past week or past few weeks at SNL. I love how one person can bring a friend then that friend ends up coming back every week and brings their friends, and pretty soon there are tons of people. The Nooma movies we've been watching are pretty good- Rob Bell is one cool guy. Not really sure how i feel about the family groups, but they seem alright for the most part I guess. I'm just glad that SNL is going so well, and people seem to be having a good time. We have, THE BEST youth minister ever. If it wasn't for josh.. would our youth group still be this awesome? I vote that it would not.

I was on the phone with a friend last night, and we were talking about how it's the youth group trips that brings people so close together, because we get that time to spend with each other. Like CIY, Chile (trips and mission trips)- those were such amazing experiences to share with each other. I know trips cost money, but we should really have another (smaller) trip before CIY. We should do like a youth group retreat or something and just hang out and get to know each other and have some awesome youth fellowship. I know a lot of the kids at youth group, but there are also a lot that I don't know. Just a thought. Plus those kinda things get you thinking more about God, which is always a good thing. Too bad not everyone likes camp grow (and it's kinda far away). They're actually building new cabins for that kind of thing, like the ski trip hotel thing.

Anyway, that was just on my mind. I think youth group trips are pretty much sweet. If it's not possible, I understand. But Josh, you should look into it ;) ;)

By the way, I know that nothing I said above will really influece much, which is cool cuz it's just a blog, but what do you guys think about the whole people getting closer on trips and how much do you love them? I'm just curious about your opinions.

Comment away.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Today is hump day. One more day til friday. I don't have anything to look forward too, but that's what I'm excited about, nothing to look forward to. :) I love weekends more and more with each week that goes by. I can't wait for Jr. year to be over, although I'm not unhappy with it. Just want senior year to come so I can look forward to college and YWAM!

Speaking of YWAM, I've really been praying and I know a lot of you have been to- I'm going to send in these forms and just complete(that is finish) the program, meaning unless it ends up ending early (in May) or I get a substancial amount of extra money saved up to come back home, I'm just gonna miss graduation. It's kind of unfortunate, but hey- I want what God wants for me, and graduation is just a stupid ceremony. I'll still get my diploma when I come home in mid-end of June. I'll miss you guys for 6 months but I.CAN.NOT.WAIT. FOR THIS!!!! It's just so amazing to me, I still am in awe of the opportunity. Please continue to pray about this.

Can you guys also pray for my sister? She hurt her knee at conditioning today and the trainer is making her use crutches; katie thinks she might have torn something cuz her knee locked so she couldn't move it at all, but she may have just bruised the bone.
Goodnight <><