God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Monday, February 28, 2005

i've got 5 minutes, how far can i get?

I'm sure at some point in your life you've all had a teacher who you thought was crazy. Mrs. Philyaw is one of those kind of teachers. Some might classify a crazy teacher as one who is really strict, doesn't care about the students, or gives you a ton of work to do. Although mrs. P fits 1 of the 3 catagories, and i've had all 3, thats not what I'm talking about. This lady has got to be like... 28, and she's VERY eduacated, a really smart woman, she knows her stuff. She knows her literature, her english, and your basic life stuff that most people should know. However, i think she's got some personality disorder or something.. (my friend amber and I were looking this stuff up to find out just what it was). I mean she's an actress, she did it professionally, but sometimes i think its more than that. She gets these drastic mood swings in class, talks suddenly in these creepy crazy voices that scare the kids in the class (they all think shes psycho), and admitted she was diagnosed with adhd- that has obviously not gone away yet because we often see the hyper childlike side. That's right, side. Ask anna i'm not joking, there is something up with this woman that is not normal- its like she's two people. She's an awesome teacher and person, it's actually hilarious. But when you combine the craziness of that stuff with the major workloads and her SERIOUSLY not realizing that other teachers give us stuff too.. i dunno man. This woman has got some thinking to do. High school is high school i know there is going to be work, most of us do, except maybe crete kids, but i dunno about that one cuz i dont go there. Jordan's teachers seem not to mind if he sleeps in class. I wouldn't be caught dead sleeping in most of my classes. Gyms not a class, and neither is foods (which was not my choice i was put there and i'm still really mad about it.. so say nothing). they dont count. Therefore.. in none of my classes. I got off subject so i'm done now. I'm tired.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Deep, if you want. You want me to talk? Here i'll talk now. I said I wanted to pray for life. Why? I can't wait until i die, because when you're with Jesus there's no such thing as pain anymore. In heaven there is nothing like the pain found on earth. You all know thats true. "It's bad to keep it inside." No, actually its not for me. I mean, i found it does't change if i say anything about it or not. What's the difference? It's one less person to put my problems on if I dont say anything. If they can't help, then who cares how bad it is? Even if they can, why not try and do it myself before i go to someone else? It sucks to talk to someone when they have nothing to say. So what's my problem right now? I'm afraid. Something that happened before is happening again and if it gets worse i'm going to be really scared because there is literally nothing I can do about it, to control it, or make it stop. And it is me, not someone else's problem. I think only one or maybe two people reading this will actually know what i'm talking about but i dont care. Aside from that, I'm one of those people who gets mad at myself for being emotional.I still haven't figured that one out. I know that stuff's going to happen, and I dont i'm not supposed to dwell on it, and i try my best not to-i mean that. But everyone is sad sometimes- thats OKAY. I meant what i said tonight. That's why I said just pray for life, cuz life just about sums it up. No one has ever had anything to say before, if you do thats what comments are for.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Long week, thank God it's over. It seemed like it went on forever. Gotta work tomorrow, fun fun. But hey, that means money. And money means helping to pay for Chile and CIY and camp and all that other good stuff soooo.. work is good. So whose up for that Chile meeting on Sunday? heh.. i memorized the verses the first few days after i got em.. and someone told me they didn't even read it execpt when Josh did. Good luck with that. I like memorizing scriptures, i find it helpful in more ways than one. I think it's cool when you can talk about something random like on thursday and just say "oh hey, Romans 12:21 says overcome evil with good" thats not a direct quote.. but it's cool. So today after class mr Tiffy pulls out 5 kids and says he's taking us for APUSH next year, unless we want APEuro. It kinda scares me when teachers are this serious about their class-'we're going to have a few "summer meetings"' for the coming of the class. come on now, it's summer.. he's too college ready. It's just a class.. but then again I guess it just shows he cares a lot about what he's teaching and the students, which you can't say for most of the teachers at Central. :-x Ok I'm tired, time for bed. The end

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I was listening to David Crowder Band earlier and this awesome song came on. I never really paid attention to the lyrics before, I just kind of 'heard them' as matt would say. For some reason i was paying attention though, and not that other songs don't.. but at the time this particular song made me think of how awesome God is-the stuff he can do- like everything he's created and shaped. I like space(not eric), and just thinking that he made every star and put it right where it is.. that's so cool. I don't know how often any of you guys stop and think about it, but you should.

It's incredible.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I was thinking about this today for some reason.l Ever think about how words can have 50,000 different meanings, some very different.. and yet the same? Take the word 'fine' for example:

1.Of superior quality, skill, or appearance.

2.Being in a state of satisfactory health; quite well.

3.Satisfactory; acceptable.

-the word fine is also often used as a quick answer.. it could mean could be better but can't complain. It could mean i'm doing good. It could mean i'm not doing so good but i dont feel like telling you that. It could mean a lot of things. I've used it as all of those before, so just saying. Why not just say not too bad, or good instead of fine? It goes in a lot of directions. I mean, i'm doing 'fine' right now. Who knows what that means? No one. But fine is fine so i'll leave it at that. This made a lot more sense and it had a point when i started typing it but i lost it so.. i'm going to bed.


Ok, it's 12:20AM. I'm not even done with my stupid paper yet. I've been working on it constantly too, and i worked on it a lot this weekend. Proof of effort!!! I need to do the conclusion paragraph and its gonna suck cuz i'm really friggin tired but guess what? I dont care. Cuz it's late and i'm tired and i'm already gonna get less than 6 hours of sleep. so what if i take 2 minutes to blog? I HATE SCHOOL!!!!! Thank God we've got a field trip wed. so i dont have to be there. that's the highlight of my week boys and girls, bible study tomorrow. And you better believe it- when i come home first thing i'm doing is going to sleep. So if i dont wake up thats why.. but i will. So i'll see all you kids-that goes for jacki and josh too- tomorrow. SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what i get for trying to get an A..:(

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Caesar should not be allowed to drive anymore. Enough said.

Caesar should not be allowed to drive anymore. Enough said.

Caesar should not be allowed to drive anymore. Enough said.

Caesar should not be allowed to drive anymore. Enough said.

Friday, February 18, 2005



As of last year Rich Central was 87.5% black, a mere 8.8% white, 2.8% hispanic, .7% asian, .3% native american. Yeah.. that's diverse alright.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Almost everyone lately (with the exception of Jordan) has been all about getting a girlfriend/boyfriend. What's the deal? Even if there was someone i liked around here (which theres not) i dunno if i'd date anyone right now. There's other stuff to worry about right now besides guys, and for you guys-girls- so i dont think it's that important. I mean, if you really like someone and they really like you too than I think it's fine to go out. I do think it's kinda dumb to just go out with someone to have a boyfriend or girlfriend and 'try to make it work'. If you dont like them or they dont like you the same way, than whats the point? Majority of the time it's not going to work and someone just ends up getting hurt. I said not too long ago that even if i really liked one of the best friends and they wanted to date(asked me out), i'd still prolly say no. That's only cuz i also think that stuff changes a friendship, especially if you're close friends. I mean it didn't change much for me and matt when we broke up, at least i dont think, but it's still different now. Not bad different, it just isn't the same. And i would NOT want to ruin such a great friendship to date one of my best friends so. I stand by that. Maybe I wont always feel that way but that's how i feel now. From my experience and those around me, i see that majority of high school relationships dont last, so whats the point of losing/changing a friendship? I dunno to me it's not worth it. I'm not sure about you guys.. but friendships mean a lot to me. You can get over a guy or girl. Besides, unless it's true love which i doubt.. you'll eventually quit likin each other anyways. And that is all.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Semi-deep blog. Life has been pretty good lately. I have really awesome friends, even though I agree with what anna said about feelings towards our school- it could be worse. I like US History English and Geom. (only cuz its easy). The school days have been going by pretty quick but i'm not sure how long that will last now that theres conditioning, which isn't that bad, plus its not everyday. First period i hate, it's stupid. only thing good about it is free food. 2nd period P/S Geometry H, which is one class that's fun. Even if i dont get it which i dont think has happened yet, it's still fun. 3rd period French 3. Wow, no words for how boring this class is. Don't get me wrong i USED to like french, but we never learn anything. This whole entire year the only thing we learned was the conditional tense and some vocab that we learned on our own. Oh well.. that's a blow off class cuz I have an A. 4th is split (4,5,6) History lunch history. That is my favorite class. 1-I learn A LOT which is as much as i can say for going to Rich Central. 2- I have the most awesome history teacher ever. 3- hardly ever homework. As if the class wasn't awesome enough, i almost fall over laughing everyday in lunch cuz i sit with a bunch of kids you'd NEVER understand how they're friends, really; thats probably why we're friends. gotta love lunch, it always makes me laugh. 7th-8th gym.. boring. 9th English 10 H- This class i like. our teacher is a little crazy at times but for the most part ms. Philyaw is pretty awesome. Plus I have Anna in that class. Only thing is though, and others can testify to this, I sit next to this kid who is black and for SOME reason 99.9999999% of every comment he's EVER made in class has to do with race. For example, we were having a discussion on speaking about people as individuals not as a group, and he makes a comment somewhere along the lines of "if you put me in a room with a bunch of caucasian females, do you think they would change to be like me, or i would change to be more like them?" It had absolutely nothing to do with what we were talking about, it's the kind of thing that makes the girl in front of him put her hand on her forhead every time he raises his hand. But it's kinda funny. 10th Chemistry H- I'm surprised i'm not failing but somehow i'm not. This class is also boring. But i like it cuz it means i get to go home @ 3:10. Leaving is my favorite part of the day. Then i get to do whatever depending on what day it is. Homework-heh-, sleep, bible study, meetings, OL.. ok this is long and im tired. Sleep!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

I think my parents are pretty trusting compared to some other parents I know. I mean i have morals, I'd never do half the stuff parents might be distrusting about on my will whether they cared or not. But still. I mean, a friend of mine is a very trustworthy person, she's responsible, never really did anything to make her parents not trust her.. yet her parents hardly trust her to do anything. Maybe it's cuz shes the youngest but i dont think that has anything to do with it. Sometimes I think my parents are too trusting. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, but i could stay out til 12:30 if i'm with you guys and as long as i get home safe that's fine with my mom. That 1:30AM night.. she didn't care. She said it was fine. Maybe that's just because my mom is really awesome, she never gives me a time to be home. i dont know if its trust of if it means they dont care. Heh.. definately the first one.

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Tuesday, February 08, 2005


The world is so full of ignorant people. I'm so sick of Rich Central. I wish I could just stop going, then i wouldn't have to put up with it anymore. I dunno. I used to really like school when I was younger, til i realized how much it sucks. Eh.. can't wait for college. I know i'll have to quit slackin then, but at least I can get away from here. If i ever had to move or anything, the only thing keeping me here is my friends/ deer creek. But I want to leave so bad. I would miss them a lot but theres something these days keeping me from.. I can't explain it. I love all my friends to death, dont get me wrong, no buts. I just hate living here.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

The superbowl party rocked. Our youth group parties are awesome. We should have them more often but hen again, if we did that they prolly wouldn't be as fun. Oh well. It was cool. I dunno how to deep blog. I dont think i've done that in a LOONG time. So this is all i've got: Gotta finish my lesson for bible study tuesday, cuz i really want to give em something to take home and think about. At least I like bible studies like that.. I dunno. I just dont want it to suck. So.. something that applies but isn't boring. I gotta stay after school all week for gay FNHS and their gay flower sale order crap. I would just not go, but then i get kicked off. That really doesn't look good. Hopefully it wont take too long and I can just come home and sleep and do my homework for once, before i fail all my classes (thats not going to happen). Who the heck cares, i dont. I'm tired, I'm going to bed. Night

Saturday, February 05, 2005


Tonight was awesome, got to hang out with all my boyz & Michelle. that hasn't happened in.. well a long time. It was cool. We need to do that more often again.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

"Hey Josh, would it be bad if I got a shirt that said 'Penis?' ?" ahh.. you guys are great.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I've read this 100 times but I was just really think about how awesome it is... "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, not anything else in all creation, will be ever able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39